Behavour change after loss


5 Years
Aug 24, 2014
Hi All,

I posted earlier in the month about my Barnevelder - Britta that got ill and didn't make it. I only had 3 in total and now the behaviour of the remaining 2 has seemed to have change a bit.

The remaining 2 are both Brahmas and were very similar in behaviour but now one has become a lot louder the other very quiet and sitting about a lot. Not too concerning at first but yesterday the quiet one started to go back in the hen house for long periods and today she's doing the same. She's been in a few hours and i dont think shes eaten or drank much in that time if at all - i don't think she's been out of the nesting box.

Initially i thought that she might be broody but i don't think she has lay and egg since yesterday / poss Saturday (both their eggs are the same so cant be sure whos it was yesterday). I would have simply put it down to being broody but since the other one died i'm not too sure. Also i dont really want to keep shooing her out if she is trying to lay. My concern is that she is having difficulty laying which is basically what happened to the one that died.

Can there be a common factor that i'm missing? Could she just be broody? How long should i leave her in the nest box if she is?


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