Being pecked while gathering eggs....

Maverick Farms

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 25, 2012
Today my EE Hawk 'Pecked" me when I took her egg. She has never done that before...(ok it was 9th egg so she has not been laying that long) but...I am assuming that is normal behavior or is she going to go broody on me so quickly? First time chicken owner so lots I do not know.
If she puffs up and screeches at you she's broody. My hens sometimes peck me when I take eggs out from under them. They don't like being mugged LOL
My hens sometimes peck me when I take eggs out from under them. They don't like being mugged LOL
Exactly. Some hens just don't like being disturbed on the nest.

If she's going broody, she'll puff up and screech at you, be on the nest most of the day and all night and possibly pluck her belly feathers.

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