Belgian D'Anver Porcelain & Mille Fleur Split- 12+ Eggs for Local Pick Up / Fannin Co. GA

Where are you located?

from the first post:
Quote: if you are within driving distance of that and want to arrange pickup, let me know when you are coming and I will send directions.
I need eggs mixed breed
I am in MO

From the first post:
These are pure Belgian D'Anvers, not mixed breed. I do not ship so unless you're driving from MO, it wouldn't work out for you. I've had folks drive all the way straight through from Massachusetts to buy eggs, so I'd never assume, of course, but that's not the norm.
May have to close this listing soon. Four hens went broody within the last ten days and probably a couple more will follow suit, so the egg production is slowing down. I have one good set available right now for anyone within driving distance. :)
Probably not many more sets available. I have one set now, but five of the ten layers are broody, and maybe more to come, so my prospects for egg collecting are becoming more dim by the day, LOL.
At the moment, I have only Delaware crosses from two Large Fowl groups I can collect for someone to hatch. None are collected at the moment. Half of the Belgian D'anver hens are broody now so can't collect those for awhile.

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