Belgian Malines Have Arrived!!!

They can live a very normal life. Although they are a large bird, they don't have the same troubles as some large fowl in regards to natural breeding ability.

I was just talking to my source, Bart & he's offering me 18 more eggs. Yay! These are just for testing fertility though, from 2 young roos & he didn't need any of the chicks that might hatch. I am also picking up some 3 week old chicks as well.

Thanks theoldchick!

I should get pics from above so you all can see how broad their behinds are, lol! They're adorable!
Good luck with the new batch of eggs!! hope you get a great hatch rate! and can't wait to see the growth stages of this amazing breed!!
6 days old.

These top 2 pics are the same bird. The cockerel. Lots o' junk in his trunk, lol!

One on the right squints like I do when I get my photo taken.

Nah, maybe she's practicing her stink eye! Lol! Clearly, she's not amused.
hi Everyone

I am new to the forum but have had plain old layers before. We are on the process of moving to home where I can again have chickens and this breed looks awesome. Who in Canada breeds these?

I think I read they are dual purpose but are they more meat than egg or truly dual?

The breeder is Bart Nagel. He also grows about 30 varieties of garlic. You can find his website at
I know he would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the breed.

What I know from research & Bart is, they are a truly dual purpose bird. 150-160 eggs per year & right through the winter season. They are also very meaty.

I just got home from picking up 18 more hatching eggs (assisting with testing of new roos' fertility). Also picked up 7 slightly older chicks. Don't think I'll get pics up tonight, as the new additions are stressed. Hopefully by tomorrow, they'll be more amenable to a photo shoot.

Here's a quick pic of the new chicks to tide you guys over! 7 chicks at 4 & 5 weeks old. Just set 7 eggs under a broody this morning & another 11 are in the incubator. Woo hoo!
I'm off to a good start, many thanks to Bart!
Here they are at 8 days old.

Above chick I thought was a cockerel....could be a pullet.

All adorable though! Below are the older chicks I picked up yesterday.

The top 2 birds are quite hefty! Real solid birds! Nice feathering too!

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