Belgian Malines Have Arrived!!!

25 days old.

Below is my favorite. The biggest boy from the older group. I don't know about the SOP for this bird, but he looks like a near perfect specimen to me. Only fault is the yellow legs. I can hope to breed out with a good, flesh legged hen.

Below is my fave from another angle.

I have 18 more eggs under 3 broodies due to hatch Monday! Yowza!
Yeah, I'm giddy with excitement! I'm imagining a large flock of these all over my 2 acres. Sweeet!
26 days old.

And now some of the older kids. Below is one of the smaller boys.

Sleepy pullets.

My favorite bird in next 2 pics.

Bart has just announced his acquisition of Bielefelders! He hatched chicks last week. These birds were one of breeds used to create the Malines. Now he's got me wanting them too! Very similar characteristics. Dual purpose, but with a different coat of paint
Keep up with those pics Shelley! I love them. You have some great birds in there.

Actually the Malines were used to create the Bielefelders, not the other way around. Bielefelder is a much younger breed than the Coucou de Malines is.
Oops! My bad! Thank you for the correction. Yes, I just discovered my error when I went to the link you posted on PSO. I'm trying to convince hubby we should get some hatching eggs from you next year. I can see why you would want these fine birds!

I'll keep the pics going - not a problem. It's nice to have a permanent record of their development.

I realized when checking a broody nest today, that one Malines egg is missing. ??? I have no idea what happened. I wonder if the broody next to her grabbed one for her nest, lol! Maybe she ate one? Anywho, air cells are tracking great on the others I checked. Looking forward to a super hatch Monday! Woo hoo!

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