Below freezing, but it's time for this boy to go out!

Do I kick him out?

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Oct 13, 2018
So, I'm in a bit of a pickle and I guess I just need reassurance that I'm making the right decision. We had one baby chick hatch late fall naturally (I know, I know, it's super late for that). He's six weeks old now, but has DEFINITELY outgrown his brooder. He's completely feathered and no longer uses a heat lamp going on a week now. It's 67 degrees in my house but he's by a window so probably closer to low 60's for his spot. My problem? I live in Ohio and it's below freezing regularly right now. I'm beyond ready to put his smelly chicken butt outside, do you guys think it's okay? He'd be in his own area, and I have 30 girls in the coop too, but it's still cold enough that their water freezes. *I refuse to put heaters in our coop.* Advice? Thanks!
He's going to require climate acclimation as well as gradual integration, so be prepared to do this eviction by stages.

You will begin by letting him spend the warmer part of the day in a safe enclosure in proximity to the flock of older chickens. Gradually increase the time he spends outside. After a week, he should be good to start sleeping in the coop at night.

He's still a shrimp, so you will need to set up safety precautions so he doesn't get injured when he has to start mingling with the big chickens. I use small chick-size openings out of the safe enclosure so a chick can always run back inside their safe refuge when they feel threatened. I leave the safe enclosure in place until around age ten weeks.

In addition to that, you will need to take steps to have enough higher perches so he can evade the adult chickens between now and the time he reaches maturity. There's a real danger he won't get enough to eat if you don't make a feeding station for him up out of danger. I use an old card table for my chicks' food and water, and they feel safe enough up there to nap during the day.

In the future, plan on brooding chicks outdoors in your run or coop in proximity to the flock. It drastically cuts down on integration time, and my chicks are ready to mingle with the flock at age two weeks. You can read about my integration techniques and why it works on such young chicks.
He's going to require climate acclimation as well as gradual integration, so be prepared to do this eviction by stages.

You will begin by letting him spend the warmer part of the day in a safe enclosure in proximity to the flock of older chickens. Gradually increase the time he spends outside. After a week, he should be good to start sleeping in the coop at night.

He's still a shrimp, so you will need to set up safety precautions so he doesn't get injured when he has to start mingling with the big chickens. I use small chick-size openings out of the safe enclosure so a chick can always run back inside their safe refuge when they feel threatened. I leave the safe enclosure in place until around age ten weeks.

In addition to that, you will need to take steps to have enough higher perches so he can evade the adult chickens between now and the time he reaches maturity. There's a real danger he won't get enough to eat if you don't make a feeding station for him up out of danger. I use an old card table for my chicks' food and water, and they feel safe enough up there to nap during the day.

In the future, plan on brooding chicks outdoors in your run or coop in proximity to the flock. It drastically cuts down on integration time, and my chicks are ready to mingle with the flock at age two weeks. You can read about my integration techniques and why it works on such young chicks.
He's going to require climate acclimation as well as gradual integration, so be prepared to do this eviction by stages.

You will begin by letting him spend the warmer part of the day in a safe enclosure in proximity to the flock of older chickens. Gradually increase the time he spends outside. After a week, he should be good to start sleeping in the coop at night.

He's still a shrimp, so you will need to set up safety precautions so he doesn't get injured when he has to start mingling with the big chickens. I use small chick-size openings out of the safe enclosure so a chick can always run back inside their safe refuge when they feel threatened. I leave the safe enclosure in place until around age ten weeks.

In addition to that, you will need to take steps to have enough higher perches so he can evade the adult chickens between now and the time he reaches maturity. There's a real danger he won't get enough to eat if you don't make a feeding station for him up out of danger. I use an old card table for my chicks' food and water, and they feel safe enough up there to nap during the day.

In the future, plan on brooding chicks outdoors in your run or coop in proximity to the flock. It drastically cuts down on integration time, and my chicks are ready to mingle with the flock at age two weeks. You can read about my integration techniques and why it works on such young chicks.

He already has his own area within the coop high up, the adults would never be able to get to him thankfully It's large enough that he would be in his own till at least 12 weeks. We've found integration goes best when they're at least bigger than my bantams, since they're the meanest in my group. I will definitely do the gradual winter introduction, I really like that idea. Thanks so much!
He'll be fine if he can huddle with your girls, but they might not accept him right away. You might just want to let him roam in the day time then sleep in the brooder at night. You'll also have to acclimate him. Wait for a day with more sun and let him out for a few minutes to be introduced to the cool weather.

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