best brand of chicken feed?

My hens don't like it either. They've also stopped eating the crumbles. I'm going to try the Blue Seal. I wish we had a mill, and I can't be arsed to mix my own when it's -10 outside.
So far they aren't keen on too much since they are spoiled the rest of the year.
I have read to page 11. I am fixin to switch to layer feed... Wow so much information. I have access to coyote creek & hugelland. Does any one know much about them. Huglland is suppose to be non go & soy free. I am going to look at the ingredients now that I've read through some of this. It will take a while to read all 54 pages, of this forum. Thank you all for your insight & questions.
I have 4 chickens. I feed nutria wise chick starter, non medicated. Most everyday they get something, Like: mealworms, greens, fruit or yogurt. I vary each of them so they get lots of things. Since it's winter I try to make sure they get greens or kale.
This has been a fun adventure... Love my girls
I was off work for awhile and bought some store brand layer at Petclub because it was on sale, and funny enough my chickens are doing really well on it. I'm getting more eggs than ever, nice hard shells, and they like the pellets (which are a little smaller and they eat without throwing everywhere in a a fit like they did before when I tried to switch from crumble to pellet).
I have just started feedingy hens MG 16% layer granules. The hens seem to like it , but I was wondering how it compared to some of the other feeds
Re Nutrena Feather Fixer 18%- it comes in 40 pound bags, same or slightly more money than 16% protein. I'm so mad. I buy 3 bags at a time of feed and this means I get 30 pounds less!!!! Always trickery.
Re Nutrena Feather Fixer 18%- it comes in 40 pound bags, same or slightly more money than 16% protein. I'm so mad. I buy 3 bags at a time of feed and this means I get 30 pounds less!!!! Always trickery.

Last time I checked, Purina switched Layena into 40 lb bags ...

I'd expect to pay more for a higher-protein feed. Protein is an expensive yet important ingredient. Lots of poultry science is actually economics, and lots of that is figuring out how little protein they can put in the feed without a big drop in performance (so a loss in income), and 16% is about it for layers. Also, the Feather Fixer type feeds will include some extra ingredients to keep the birds healthy enough to have nice feathers ... which might include a higher quality protein.
It used to be a few dollars difference for higher protein. 10 pounds is a lot of difference. So now Layena is 40 pounds too? I can't see how they can justify selling 20% less feed for the same price. Layena is only 16% right?

Of course it would not matter what blue seal was costing.
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