best brand of chicken feed?

I'm sure it is nothing to be concerned about though
Not only is that article 6 years old, it's also about the most racist piece of crap I've ever seen.
Not only is that article 6 years old, it's also about the most racist piece of crap I've ever seen.
The shrill, contrived accusation of "racist" is an old tactic to slander, discredit, redirect the subject matter. A six year old article still points to the current existence of this problem. From imported drywall to food ingredients, enough people are aware of the perils of Chinese ingredients, especially veterinarians. I guess they are all "racist" too
Perhaps they choose to not use euphemistic language to try and hide truth.
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The shrill, contrived accusation of "racist" is an old tactic to slander, discredit, redirect the subject matter. A six year old article still points to the current existence of this problem. From imported drywall to food ingredients, enough people are aware of the perils of Chinese ingredients, especially veterinarians. I guess they are all "racist" too
Perhaps they choose to not use euphemistic language to try and hide truth.

If you don't think a list of manufacturing quality by race is racist, I don't know what to tell you.
Yes, the article is 6 years old. At that time the farmers that included the melamine were dealt with by the Chinese and I'm sure it was not taken lightly by them. And I wonder what the amount of times that some Chinese product has warranted a recall compared to how many times our producers have screwed up and had to recall products.

If the US imports foreign products, who is ultimately responsible for making sure they are not harmful?

Michael that article does make a few important points:

Quote from article "You probably didn't know that U.S. drug companies get a lot of their drugs made in China because it's cheaper there. And the FDA has never inspected the factories there."

Isn't the FDA responsible for ensuring safe products? How about inspection of sources? What about US companies that accept materials from China to produce their product under their own name? Are they responsible as well?
If you don't think a list of manufacturing quality by race is racist, I don't know what to tell you.

So, the rise of boycotts throughout Europe and Asia in regard the American GMO crops must be "racist" too. Lol. Just so you know, Chinese is a nationality, not a race. And it is the Chinese government, which oversees agricultural production as well as the manufacture of food packaging, containers, chemical additives, drug production, and business regulation, that is to blame. American corporations and government are also to blame, just as Seminole pointed out.
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The custom feed we buy is more expensive than brands like Purina, but less expensive than the "boutique" brands available online. And I have control of the recipe from the custom mill. 

This is a fascinating thread. I love all the direct research you've done, Leslie. Would you mind sharing the nutshell version of your custom recipe? Thank you.

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