best brand of chicken feed?

Thats a really cute chick on your avatar, what kind is it? I've been around the block so many times on chicken feed, I'm sick of hearing it. I have read enough articles to know what is and isnt good and I go with what works for me. I change it up a little bit between summer and winter and make sure they get good greens when they are available. They are all healthy and thats what matters most. :)
Thats a really cute chick on your avatar, what kind is it? I've been around the block so many times on chicken feed, I'm sick of hearing it. I have read enough articles to know what is and isnt good and I go with what works for me. I change it up a little bit between summer and winter and make sure they get good greens when they are available. They are all healthy and thats what matters most.

That's a little feed store Easter Egger we call Cheeks. She was about the cutest chick ever.

I'd say if you're sick of hearing about chicken feed, then you're in the wrong thread!

Any feed is going to be part of a "feed system," where treats and supplements and forage and grit and weather and even breeds/ages/localization of the birds are all super important factors.
I wouldn't feed "old roy" my vet says that kills animals, gives them cancer

I would have to agree.... I bought some when I was out of a job... and fed it to my dogs and my grey hound lost weight in a matter of days.... I wont even buy the canned as a treat....

BTW welcome abord SKCG....
from San Diego...

When you are starting out KISS is the best strategy for feeding.... Keep It Simple Silly.... I wont say stupid because it doesn't apply here. WE are ALL learning....

deb "back to lurkdom"
Thanks for the welcome, I've been reading this thread till my brain is about to explode, but I sure have learned alot!!!!!! I don't have chicks yet, I need to get a coop up and have my girls all picked out, in the mean time I'm learning everything I can.
My question now is about scratch, what is it's purpose?
Thanks for the welcome, I've been reading this thread till my brain is about to explode, but I sure have learned alot!!!!!! I don't have chicks yet, I need to get a coop up and have my girls all picked out, in the mean time I'm learning everything I can.
My question now is about scratch, what is it's purpose?

Scratch grains are a source of fattening and carbohydrates. They have some nutritional value too, but not enough to supply the nutrient levels formulated feed does. If you want to learn much about poultry diets, Professors Jull and Heuser did extensive research composed by trials and testing of food stuffs beneficial to chicken diets.
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I wouldn't feed "old roy" my vet says that kills animals, gives them cancer
LOL. There's a great movement towards label readers and after spending 2 hours in a Petsmart one day, I did actually find a brand of dog food that was honest about what was in it. I think there may be 2 brands out there like that now. If you look at the ingredient label, see how many dog foods start with some cereal grain instead of chicken, lamb, salmon, or whatever. Even the real expensive brands have the same garbage in them. Long story short, if the bag says "salmon and sweet potato", I would like that to be the first 2 ingredients on the label.
Michael, it never dawned on me til a few weeks ago that if I'm feeding 16% chicken feed and my chickens free range, get treats, and such, their diet really isn't 16% protein is it. Which is their minimum requirement. This thread sure has a lot of micro subjects, and I'm to blame too, not that it bothers me, but there is some really good info in here , and even the off topics can get one thinking about some pretty important stuff.

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