best brand of chicken feed?

I went down to get some chick starter at TSC and they only had Dumor and Purina in the 50lb bags.
I wanted to get some more Manna Pro (in 50lb) but they only have it in 5lb sizes.
Does Manna Pro chick starter even come in the larger size bags???


Manna Pro chick starter dose come in a 50 lb bag but you will most likely have to find a Feed Mill to get it at..

I went by TSC yesterday, and the guy there said he didn't know anything about DuMor being their store-brand produced by Purina, but he didn't think that could be because they have two totally different reps for it...?? Not sure exactly what that means--is it or isn't it...we may never know.

I did also check the bags of DuMor (layer, broiler, chick), and only the chick feed @ 20% protein had animal product in it--the others were just plant protein, I believe. They also all read "ruminant meat or bone meal free".

AlienChick ~ Here in Central AL, the TSC only carries Purina & DuMor in large bags, and the Manna Pro in small 5lb bags. I have also only ever seen the Manna Pro in small bags (at other feed stores, co-ops...), so if you find it in large bags, I'd say count yourself fortunate!

perchie.girl ~ I have also used yogurt, but things have gotten crazy around here and I've gotten away from giving it regularly like I should. I also have (maybe had) a mealworm bin for our lizard & turtle. I should get it revved back up, so I can supplement the chickens with those, too! Thanks for mentioning that!
I'll be honest--I have no idea what kiefer is...I'll have to research that one, along with making my own yogurt!
I have kept my flock on Dumor their entire lives, but this past month Dumor has not come to impress me.

I bought a bag of 20% layer from them, and two days into it, there was a huge clump of MOLD in it, and it killed all 12 of my chickens, so I had to start all over this year with chicks
Sorry if this is conflicting to other posts ( I read the first couple pages, but I am a lazy person and skipped to the end
) and I just wanted to say something about the DuMor feed. I am a dog freak, and being a dog freak, (and a soon to be chicken freak
)I have attained the habit of checking the ingredients on my bags of food. I read the ingredients on the DuMor chick feed and I couldn't believe it when I saw "poultry by product meal" as an ingredient.
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Chickens are omnivores. Lots of people here give them chicken and turkey carcases to pick at.

Many of the feeds have fish meal too. this is something I have only learned recently... Chickens love fish.... Sardiens and tuna are good protien boosters.

Oh and
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I knew they were omnivores, but I do find something wrong with feeding a chicken to a chicken... I also know that if one dies, sometimes the others eat it, but it just seems wrong to me to be purposely feeding this to chickens on a regular basis. Of course, I am pretty new in chickens other than having them when I was younger, so I don't really know.
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