best brand of chicken feed?

perchie.girl :

steve&kris :

tommboy, thanks for the info! where do you feel for the crop to see that it is full, but soft and squishy? Is it down around their belly or up in the chest? Is this something I should be checking regularly or just if a chicken seems to not be doing well?


The crop when its full should show a lump on the side of their neck down low. That's where they store the food they gather during the day. it moves from there to the gizzard where it gets ground up. I found a link to a diagram.

Look down to post number 4 has a great diagram.

Thanks! that was incredibly helpful. Great to know info!​
This thread kinda reminds me of those of us who still change their own oil in their vehicles. I swear by Valvoline, but my neighbor uses Castrol, and his neighbor uses Pennzoil. Some will say Pennzoil is HORRIBLE and causes sludge build up, but in all reality, if you change your oil consistently and in a timely manner, it's just as good as the next brand. A long time ago, different oil makers used different additives and other ingredients, therefore, people actually had a legit reason to downplay one type over another. Today, most brands, if not all, have a seal of approval, meaning they're all about the same.
Now, with that being said, I feed my chickens Purina because the bag is really neat looking, and it appeals to me almost to the point that I want to eat some myself!! (kinda like the Fancy Feast commercial for cat food)
I trust Purina because of their name, and because I've never heard them in a lawsuit on Fox news.
My chickens don't complain about it. If one or several get sick, I absolutely will not ever blame it on Purina. I'd be more apt to think they ate a rotten dog turd from the back corner of my yard before I'd ever blame it on what I choose to feed them.
As for soy, or no soy, WHAT DOES SOY LOOK LIKE? And if it's soooo bad, then why is it ok for them to use it in feed? My chickens scratch in the nasty compost pile and eat bugs, maggots, flies, and whatever else they can get their beaks on. Yet so many want to argue or sternly downplay or promote their regular feed.
Since I'm not eating it, I can't say if I like it or not. My chickens are healty, or they seem to be, and I catch them on a daily basis, fighting over a spot in front of the feeder to devour Purina starter/grower.
Sorry for rambling, but just stating my personal thoughts.
To each their own!!!!
Does anyone use poulin feeds that is what our feed store sells. I like blue seal but frankly the blue seal is more expensive than the purina or the poulin and the poulin has animal protein in it as well according to their brochure.
Well, said.
Like all the good poultry books say to provide fresh clean water and have it at the height so they don't have to tip their head so the water doesn't run from their mouth, yadda, yadda. So what do mine do? When they hear the water coming from my sump pump hose they race there to slurp that water which comes out lower than their feet.
Back to the feed issue, I will say that a good thing about buying any feed, Dumor or Purina from TSc is they, at least my store, does not rotate their stock, so the freshest is on top of the stack. Fresh is best!
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The reason they use soy in feed is because it is cheap and because they can. Government says it's healthy for us all. It's your choice to use it or not.

I'm still undecided on the soy. If it is cheap, why is it in a lot of organic feeds, which are not cheap? And also, if it was bad for chickens, why would it be in the organic feeds?

I just don't know. So many opinions and so many brands that I am not sure there is one great overall feed.
Here's what I'm thinking....I'm not going to drive any further than I have to, to get feed for my chickens. I live 1 mile away from a horse & ranch feed store. They sell Purina chicken feed. If they sold "Ole Roy" chicken feed, I'd buy it. If they sold both, I'd buy the cheaper brand.
My chickens don't know the difference.
You guys in ohio are so lucky to have so many choices,I'm in NYC and not much of a choice here.I get southern states feed for $12-14 .
I have been using purina feeds for years. Horses, chickens, cows, pigs, ducks, rabbits and goats have all lived long and healthy lives on it with absolutely no problems. Where I live it is the best option available. The only other brand is Nutrena which none of my animals have ever enjoyed. Maybe there is better out there but I need a feed source that is close to me. Like they say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

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