Best Breeds for First Timers


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 22, 2015
We are working on building our first coop and have started researching breeds to start out with. I have my eye on a few, but what would you all recommend? We live in the city, but they will have a run that is about 10ft. by 5ft and if the dog adjusts well, free run to our entire yard for most of the day. We have 3 kids, 9, 7, and 2. I am looking for good layers, preferably brown eggs. Because we are in the city, my biggest concern is noise, not sure if some breeds are "quieter" than others. Plan to get 3-6 hens depending on the breed size I decide on.
Thanks for your help.
I'm in a very similar situation and got 4 different breeds.

My Buff Orpingtons are the most gentile and quiet. They will let my young kids pick them up and hold them while roaming the yard. No eggs yet, but will be brown. My kids like their rich, buff color. The main consideration is the breed is known for going broody.

My Rhode Island Reds are gentile and quiet. They move too fast for the kids to catch, however they will let them hold them if I catch them. My first eggs came from them, one at 19 weeks and the other at 20 weeks. Nice brown eggs and have layed almost every day since starting. Of mine, will be the best layers.

My Barred Rocks are gentile and quite like my Rhode Island Reds. No eggs yet, but will be brown and should be good layers. I like their barred coloring.

My Easter Eggers (Ideal Ameracuanas) aren't my favorites. They are skittish and loud, compared to my others. I can only catch them when they're in their coop, and they jump and fly to try to keep me from catching them. They are flighty, regularly flying up to the top of my 6-ft fence and one day all the way on top of my house. I had to clip their wings. No eggs yet, I'm hoping for blue or green but may be brown or white.
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Welcome! Birds will talk, and even roosters are quieter than barking/ howling dogs! You will get the most eggs out of hybrid layers like red stars or hatchery RIRs, but these hens tend to 'burn out' after a year or two. I'd recommend that you look at the catalogs, feathersite, and Henderson's breed chart, and pick out birds that look interesting. And pretty. And good in your climate. Then try a few and enjoy! Some breeds tend to be less active, calmer, and friendlier than others, but individuals and families will differ from the 'breed type' too. Mary
My Plymouth Rocks are only 20 weeks but they are so gentle, will come up and sit on my lap even. They are fairly quiet.
My auracana are skittish, unfriendly.
My sussex are lovely but bossy towards the other chooks.
Welcome to BYC!

Buff Orpingtons, Red and Black Stars, Black Australorps, Barred Rocks, and Delawares are all breeds I highly recommend!

They are all great layers and have wonderful dispositions!

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