Best cam recommendations

I am using a GoPro coupled with a tablet using Bluetooth. Range is about 200 feet although no metal building involved yet. Camera I have is low end thus not good with low light levels. I get around that by using a low wattage light source that predators like Great-horned Owls have no issue with. Setup can also record.
I have two Browning cameras and two Primos cameras. They all take good pics and did not break the bank. Primos offers mail in rebates from time to time. I bought my most recent camera, the Proof Cam 02 for $70 after rebate. Check out They review and test all of the current models from all major manufacturers. They compare apples to apples, so you can see the pros and cons of each model.
I have a Primos. It is adequate. Not the best photos, but then, it is several years old. Very user friendly.
I have seen some great Primos images in the thread "Post your Game picks here". It seems the older versions sometimes take better pictures...Not sure how that could be if the newer ones have more megapixels.

The Amazon reviews were pretty good so I got it. Some expert reviewers on a website were pretty hard on this particular model...but this is my first one so I will probably be very happy with it. I just want to see what killed my chickens so that I can better prepare their day run.
I get an internal error everytime I click on must be on that web page. I tried two different browsers.

Finally got in! Thanks Thomas for the heads up!
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I did wind up buying a Yagi antenna.
And then I bought a small antenna mount at Amazon:
I drilled a hole through a board on the inside and out through the metal barn and FINALLY I get a consistent signal with a constant live streaming image. I'm only at two bars but it stays on. I have it aimed on the entrance to the barn. That antenna has a 15ft cable which helped a lot.
I did wind up buying a Yagi antenna.
And then I bought a small antenna mount at Amazon:
I drilled a hole through a board on the inside and out through the metal barn and FINALLY I get a consistent signal with a constant live streaming image. I'm only at two bars but it stays on. I have it aimed on the entrance to the barn. That antenna has a 15ft cable which helped a lot.
Glad you got it worked out. And hope there are no unwanted visitors there.

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