Best duck breed for egglaying?

We have four ducks. 2 white pekings and two cacky campbells. We get four eggs a day. Can't beat that. They lay better than the chickens. One of them lays a double yolker every few days. the egg is hugh at least 3-4 inches long. it wont even fit in a egg carton.
I have the White Goldens from Metzer Farms. They supposedly have a better egg laying freqyency than Khaki Cambells, which we get an egg a day. I like them because of their temperment. Not nearly as high strung as the KCs.
The Cambell
Khakis and Indian Runners are about tied from what I understand. I have lots of both and also have Muscovys and right now the only eggs I get are from my Muscovys. If you want eggs to eat, get Khakis or Runners, if you want a ducks to lay eggs and hatch them get Muscovys.

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