Best place to Order online?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 30, 2011
Morning everyone!

I want to put in an order for spring chicks and I was wondering which place is the best in your opinion to order from? Im in Va. Thanks
I ordered chicks from Welp last year. All the chicks arrived healthy and we didn't lose a single one. They are now grown up and great layers. Large brown eggs almost every day from each of them.

If you are concerned with shipping, "chick days" at TSC starts March 2nd. I got 12 production red pullets there last spring and they are excellent layers as well.
We had a horrible experience with TSC last year, Most of the chicks were not pullets but straight run! and some were total different breeds, and on top of that all our "amercauna" were not ee much less amer. That is why I want to order online this year. thanks
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If you order "americuanas" from most hatcheries you'll be getting EE's anyway
What do you mean by they weren't straight run? That means they are unsexed so basically it's the luck of the draw as to how many roosters or hens you will end up with!
Oh I guess I could have explained a little better, sorry I said it wrong. They were supposed to be pullets, not straight run! So we ended up getting 14 roosters and 1 hen when all were supposed to be hens, we just started raising chicks last year so we had no idea. we just trusted the tsc people.
With My Pet Chicken, it does depend on where you live as to your minimum order (for instance, where I live I have to order at least 7 for normal egg layers. Just check your area code on their site.
This is my first go around with chickens, but last night I placed an order with Meyer Hatchery. I chose them because they'll do small orders and they're only one state away (Ohio) so the truck ride should be pretty short for the chicks. April can't get here soon enough!
All the big name hatcheries offer good service, low prices, and easy ordering.

You can expect to receive pet quality birds and if you receive better, then you have been very lucky.

The post office handles all the chicks badly. They don't favor any hatchery over any other hatchery. They can kill chicks from any hatchery and the hatchery has no control over it. Best to order from the hatchery closest to you so the chicks have a short journey. Although, I have ordered from Ideal in Texas, which is a very long way from where I am, and the ducklings arrived just fine.

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