Best Quality Breeder? (SOP)

I personally think you’re going about it the wrong way. Why show someone else’s birds? That is what you are doing by purchasing “high” quality birds. The fun in showing birds is just that showing what you have done with them. Just my 2 cents.
You have to start with good genes to breed quality birds. I would not buy "show quality", but would buy the best quality breeders. "Show quality" does not guarantee good breeders.
Hi! I am wanting to start showing chickens at my local fair. I am VERY interested in showing Salmon faverolles, but they are very hard to find in my area. I am also interested in Silver laced wyandottes, and Americaunas (blue wheaten and silver are my favorites). Its hard to find really good high quality breeders. I would go off the big hatcheries but I hear way to many stories of dark red faverolles and mostly black wyandottes (I have one myself 😂 ). So does anyone have any suggestions of smaller hatcheries that breed to breed standards? So far ive found green fire, two different dragonfly farms, and brink haven farms. However brink haven says their birds are small than standards, green fire is awesome but doesn't have the breeds im looking for. and I am contacting dragonfly about theirs right now. I would also love to hear about any other awesome breeders with cool exotic birds. Thank you!
You’re going to show birds? Doesn’t your flock carry Marek’s?

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