Best rooster breed for backyard flock?


Feb 23, 2023
I have a mixed bag of hens (Rhode Island Reds, Austrolorps, Barred Rocks, etc).

Is there a certain breed of rooster that you prefer? Hatching good egg layers and being a good protector is what I’m looking for.
:pop Following to see what kind of answers you get. I happen to have a good rooster right now that meets my needs, but he doesn't meet your criteria. We've not hatched out of him yet and I can't say that he's protective, as we have dogs that do that. But the girls love him and he's a gentleman toward people, so we like him. He's a barnyard mutt that was given to us.
A Rhode Island Red rooster would fit your criteria quite well as it could breed with your RIR hens and you could get some RIR chicks which are good layers. Only thing is is they can be quite aggressive, to humans in particular, but I guess that does make them very good protectors.
The etc could be important, say if you had bantams or Silkies.
Hatching good egg layers
Not many roosters do the hatching and egg laying bit.:p
Are you thinking about a male over a year old? Anything under a year old is a cockerel.
Say you mean a rooster. Then what you need to know is why someone is selling/giving him away and what he's like with the hens he's leaving.

Roosters are not in general great protectors of anything apart from their pride.
What they are good at are other things that may not be applicable in your keeping circumstances.
What is the least aggressive breed? My best and kindest rooster was a silver laced Wyandotte and raised from a chick. But we also had a smaller one (same breed) at the same time that was good natured. In 18 years, those were the only two that did not end up in the stew pot. Yet, I have never had a mean Tom turkey in that many years! My cousin is really wanting a rooster though. Just to hear him crow. 😜. I would like to hear about your experience with Roos and what is your favorite breed.
I currently have a barnyard mix that's probably mostly Buff Orpington that's a champ in my book. He's a gentleman to the ladies, who love him, and very respectful to me and all humans. That makes him a keeper for me. We also once had a lovely BJG who was very good. Good luck!

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