Best treatment for gapeworm?

It wouldn't be in a pet store it would be in a farm supply store here we have Coastal and Co-op several others, where you buy your feed.
For electrolytes I use Pedialyte, it's not cheap, but it's easier than making your own, IMO.

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Thank you both, but again, cannot find Pedialyte in the UK :/

I also don't live near any farm shops, I just buy the animal feed at the petshop and then do two big bulk buys of bedding etc a year at a farm shop which is quite a while away, but it's just the stuff I can usually find in a petshop at a much better price, they don't seem to have anything like a Avian Super pack.

I'll see if I can get some stuff together tomorrow to make my own. I'll give her some more cat food and medicine in a little while and then let her settle for the night x
Is she that sick now?


She's just very droopy and sleepy and has barely moved all day, can barely be bothered to open her eyes.
She has no symptoms at all anymore, other than "looking poorly". I'm wondering if I haven't been feeding her enough and I've made her too weak :( the vet did say she was underweight. She just seemed so much brighter on Wednesday night and then suddenly got so much worse. The good thing is she doesn't appear to have gotten any worse than this morning, but she isn't any better. I'll see what the morning brings.
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Are you sure they don't have any live/mites or worms? That can get the best of them and cause weight loss and death. The stress and weakness can bring out the Respitatory problems.

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