Best treatment for gapeworm?

Are you sure they don't have any live/mites or worms? That can get the best of them and cause weight loss and death. The stress and weakness can bring out the Respitatory problems.

Mites are the first thing I check for and there are definitely no external ones, they've been wormed a lot recently with me thinking my CLB had gapeworm so should be all clear (there were no worms in their poo either), and the vet swabbed Charlottes throat/crop and said she was free of any parasites in there.
There has been a tiny breakout of redmite in the coop, but only very small, I keep up with DE and there were only a few on the perch ends which are now gone.

She's still with us this morning, but not any better. Will be getting some dioralyte this morning x
She's still with us, slight improvement from yesterday but not an awful lot.
I'm not sure if she's had a stroke you know, she seems much weaker down her right side and is holding her neck to the right as well, she's now showing interest in what I'm doing when I go to see her and is taking her food well which is good x
Oh yes, the other thing I forgot to mention, could this possibly be mareks? I've been reading and some things fit, some things don't.
If she passes away I will ask for a post mortem to see what it is.
If this is Mareks, does this mean it came from the breeders or not? I've only had ex-batts and never had problems until I bought a sick hen from the breeder.

The good thing is none of the others are showing signs that she is other than my CLB with her rattle, but I'm going to ask for her to be tested as I think it could possibly be fungal or something.
Lilypad, I am sorry to read that you are having having such a hard time with the medications we are suggesting. Unfortunately medications have different (and dissimilar) names in different countries.

I hope you figure out what's going on with your hens and hopefully they will recover.

I can't help with the rest but I remember from when my kids were little that Pedialyte is called Dioalyte (re-hydration salts) in the UK. Sports drinks will also work, just avoid the red ones as the dye will come out in the poop and look like blood.
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Thank you :)

Sadly, Charlotte has gotten worse and I think the kindest thing to do will be to have her pts today
I will ask for a post mortem and hopefully get to the bottom of this x
I have read most of these posts, but not all, so if I repeat any information, I apologize. There is a website, that sells all antibiotics, wormer, first aid, etc for chickens. He is a vet in Maryland. He is also available for phone consultation. Good place to get your supplies if needed. All meds, wormers, etc come with explicit directions. Give it a shot! Good luck!
Thank you Ingepet, but I'm in the UK.

Thank you Suzierd :( She's at the vets in two hours. I can't stop crying already! Going to be such a mess :( xx

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