Best treatment for gapeworm?

Soo sorry Honey
Thank you

Gosh I haven't cried this much in so long. I find it so much worse when they don't pass away naturally :(
The vet mentioned it could be mareks, she will be having a post mortem tomorrow and if he finds anything he will ring me, if not labs will be done to make sure it's not mareks or anything that could affect the others.

I'm dreading the results :(

I'm going to miss seeing Charlotte's gorgeous face every morning. She was such a sweetheart.

Sweet dreams my angel x

In case anyone wanted to know the results of the post mortem, she actually had peritonitis, surprisingly :(
She had no signs of marek's which is a relief.

Thank you

So am I. I never even thought of peritonitis though :( poor sweetheart x

And to think I thought it was gapeworm. What an idiot. I've had ex-batts pass away from peritonitis before but their abdomen was always clearly swollen, where as Charlotte had such poofy bloomers I never saw it. The ex-batts breathing never got that bad with it either.

Now to just sort out Isabel's rattle.
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