Best treatment for gapeworm?

Lilypad, if it ever happens again, here is a really good website with facts on peritonitus:

Thank you so much! I didn't know all them things could cause peritonitis.

She always laid perfect eggs, never thin shells so I didn't think she would get peritonitis. She did show signs of a resp. infection at the start though so that could well be the cause.

She also wasn't the most elegant bird and some mornings would try to fly from the perch (only about half a foot from the floor) straight out the pophole, needless to say most times she crash landed, but for the past few weeks I had been going in and popping her on the floor before she attempted to fly out hahahahaha. Oh she was such a funny character, the flock wont be the same without her x
Yep, the respiratory problem could be the cause, Charlotte was such a lovely bird, she sounded like a real character!
Thank you, she really, really was :) I just wish I got more time with her.
I will miss not having a big (but small) poofy chicken to chase me around for mealworms.
Lilypad, I thought about you yesterday when I found one of my hens "gaping". I have no idea what it could be, so I'm going to treat with antibiotis and wormer to see if it helps, but I fear it's something along the lines of ascites or EYP.

Lilypad, I thought about you yesterday when I found one of my hens "gaping". I have no idea what it could be, so I'm going to treat with antibiotis and wormer to see if it helps, but I fear it's something along the lines of ascites or EYP.


Oh dear I do hope she is okay :( Let me know how she gets on. Sending you lots of positive vibes!

I had an ex-batt who had ascites once, I can't believe how quick she ballooned up, it was just awful :(
Oh dear I do hope she is okay :( Let me know how she gets on. Sending you lots of positive vibes!

I had an ex-batt who had ascites once, I can't believe how quick she ballooned up, it was just awful :(

I have one that I have to drain every few months, but I also had one that died in my arms while trying to do it. This hen doesn't have that same swelling, it's just her breathing was very labored.

I have one that I have to drain every few months, but I also had one that died in my arms while trying to do it. This hen doesn't have that same swelling, it's just her breathing was very labored.


Draining wasn't an option at my vets, but now I've found an awesome chicken vet if I ever have a hen with ascites (fingers crossed I dont) again I'm sure they will do all they can.

I'm hoping she improves very soon x
Lily pad, if you live in Kent there is a vet called Montgomery vets, I used to go there because I used to live there.

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