best way to candle quail eggs?

Hi Max,
Got your message. I float mine at day 9 or 10. Then float again maybe the day you stop turning them. Then float any that don't hatch - say over due 2 days. But check for pipping carefully you don't want to drown them. Also you can listen to the eggs - you will hear pecking and tweeting the day they are going to hatch. If you hear anything - don't float them.
Cheers Martha
Some like me aren't that patient. It's all in the higher powers hands, if you float or not, or know or not.
Wish birds layed clear eggs, or eggs with windows to put us nervous addicted incubators to rest.
I was thinking of rigging a camera up in my incubator so I can watch them at work, but I don't know how much work I would get done if I am looking at them all day.
Yes D1, I do it with my canary eggs and they are so fragile. I do it for them at 7 days incubation (by their parents) to see if they are fertile. If they are not I take them out of the nest and the birds breed again.
The day you can first do it depends on the breed and incubation time.
A chicken would be day 13 or so, a duck would be day 16 and so on. Canaries hatch at 12 to 14 days, so that its day 7 for them and 10 to 12 for quail. I hope you get the idea, but all eggs can be floated.
I have friends who float reptile eggs all the time.
this is the coolest thing ever!!! I am so excited to go home and float some eggs- I've got 20 newly hatched as of yesterday and about 14 eggs that are viable per candling at day 12. I can't hear anything out of them, so being able to do this will really help!

you guys are AWESOME
Thanks 4 the info. I wish I had looked b4 jumping! I have 120 quail eggs incubating. I was told they were not viable after 7days.I started saving eggs day after Tday. I just tried candling oldest 40 & picked out 1/2 of them as deadeggs. Opened 3. 1st nothing. 2nd & 3rd had bloodveins & eyes! whoever came up with that 7day rule has wasted a lot of birds! I already have 50+ eggs saved back from last 6 days! Guess I'll start saving them 2 feed what I hatch out!
I candle my quail eggs and can now tell when they are viable at around 7 days. BUT I don't throw any out, because it's just not reliable.

I say, even if you can't tell anything, keep candling. Over the course of a few hatches, you'll start to just know what you're looking at.

I use a flashlight in a dark room (almost always at night--hard to get it dark enough during the day), and that's it.

Good luck with your eggs! When you have a good hatch, it's quite a rush, all those squiggly little things popping out so fast and almost simultaneously. Have fun!

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