best way to incubate shipped eggs


9 Years
Apr 25, 2013
I know this has probably been asked a lot but what is the best way to hatch shipped chicken eggs? When checking the air cell, what's the best position and size for it to be? How do I handle air cells that are saddled or moving? What is a good humidity for incubation then lock down? I understand they need to rest for 24 hours before incubation after receiving them and check the air cells to see if they need special handling.
It never hurts to let any egg rest for a few hours after being jostled.
Humidity is the same whether they are yours or were shipped. They all need to lose about 17% weight through incubation.
The size of the air cell depends on how old the eggs are since they were laid. I don't think shipping affects that.
When it comes to saddled or moving air cells, I'm going to disagree with everyone else. I've heard people say to let them sit upright (large end up) for days before turning or variations of that theme. I thoroughly disagree. Frequent turning the first 10 days is the most important thing for the embryos' development and that of the extra embryonic membranes.
If the air cell is floating around, that means the inner membrane is ruptured. No amount of sitting upright will repair that. Eventually the air bubbles will collect at the large end either way so given that, turning is the best thing you can do for them.

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