Best way to keep a chick warm while transporting


Obsessed with Animals🦆🐓🐥🐴🐱🐶
Premium Feather Member
Oct 16, 2021
Hey everyone, so recently I’ve been helping a friend deal with a chick with a twisted deformed leg. I had her over and I spent roughly three hours with the bird trying to get it to eat and get some nutridrench and vitamin b complex down her. Well the owner is now looking to see if i would like the chick since her schedule does not allow the time to care for the chick to the extent that she needs, and I will most likely be getting her tomorrow, and I’m wondering how I should keep her warm in the car. She is separated since she is getting trampled by the others so it would be one line chick. I don’t have a heated blanket or anything.

Edit: the drive is about 45 minutes to an hour
I guess another thing is, I don’t have any other chicks, and she would be staying in a bin in my basement with a stuffed animal or two. I have 24 adult chickens but none close to her age. (The chick is 3 weeks old.) would I need to get more chicks or would she be ok by herself? When could I very very slowly integrate her in with other birds? I would be open to bringing one or two of my sweetest calmest hens in to meet her slowly.
Edit- unfortunately I don’t have any broody’s but that would have been perfect
A handwarmer packet would be the easiest option, so she can snuggle up with it during the trip when needed. Getting another chick around her age would be ideal however if that's not doable at this point in the season, at least you already have a flock that she can join later on.

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