Best Way to oil the coop


10 Years
Jun 24, 2009
We were finally able to do the post winter clean out of the coop. We have has some issues with scaly leg mites and I want to oil the cracks, etc. We have a large coop with several pens . Two different nest box rows. In one pen they is made of plywood. The newer ones are several plastic cat litter containers on a wood frame. Roosts are leaning wood frames.


Also, what other things can one do? I don't use chemicals anywhere and would rather not in my coops either. It is a lot more work in the gardens sometimes, but worth it.
Is the coop in use, can it be made free for a week? If yes you could use BlackJack57 to coat the floor and 12" up the walls. It is a roof patch compound using fiber and roof tar, fills the cracks and stands up very well.

Lots of references herein, just search.
We have has some issues with scaly leg mites and I want to oil the cracks, etc.
As far as I know, leg mites don't typically inhabit the whole coop.
Treating nest bedding might help as I believe that is the most likely way they spread from bird to bird.

Also, what other things can one do? I don't use chemicals anywhere and would rather not in my coops either.
What kind of oil do you propose to use?

Scaly leg mites are treated with bag balm here, wiped onto legs up under the scales.

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