big boy


In the Brooder
Oct 7, 2016
I have a male turkey who comes to visit .When I go outside he charges me.He makes a deep thunder sound in his chest.I do not want to be mean to him but I have outside work to do also.Is there away to make it known I am the boss without hurting him.He brings a female turkey with him and some chickens any help would be nice.
I'd whack him with a broom, but you might try squirting him with a hose or throwing water on him. If all else fails, roast turkey is great at Christmas.
I haven't had any luck dominating an aggressive turkey. The are a stubborn bird that once an idea gets in their head it doesn't leave easily. I would make dinner of him too.
Well I tried spaying him with a hose and the brat started taking a bath.I got a big fan rake out of the barn and when he charges I lift him up and so far he is leaving me alone.When I turn my back is when he comes at me.I am going to keep the rake handy for a week and maybe he will smarten up.
Who's turkey is he? You said he comes to visit....does he belong to a neighbor?
yep he is the neighbors .I have to be nice because my hens jump the fence and free range on his property also.

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