Big enough for hatching and other egg questions


5 Years
Oct 12, 2018
I'm desperate for more blue and green Layers as well as Black Copper Marans. The Farm where I live just bought six green layers at POL to directly compete with me for the niche I found in the local egg market. :he So much for a friendly supportive family farm environment. :( I’m considering one last hatch for this year before the weather turns definitely too cold for brooding outside with my heatplates.

About How long will my blue/green layers need to be in with my blue :fl rooster (wheaten AmeraucanaxIsbar) before they have his babies and not my BCM Roosters (they’ve been in with him as he’s very gentlemanly)

Also, at 11 months old (I think, almost a year anyway) are these eggs big enough for hatching? I managed 2/7 of my Marans eggs almost 9 weeks ago... top two are from my Isbar gals, a “Sapphire” CCLxLH and the bottom a production red hybrid egg for comparison. The green and blue is kind of washed out by the teal towel, sorry but trust me, they are 2 green and 1 blue...

The red layers I’ve got about an 80% hatch rate with. I have a batch in the incubator due next weekend, but I don’t know if my Olive egger boy (Wheaten ameraucanax Marans) is going to throw any green layers on the red hybrids I bred him to. (Just trying to jack up my egg production, especially colored, for next year and keep my boys happy. I’m not too worried about breed purity with these crosses! And at least they didn’t find any blues or Marans to add in:rant)
You'll want to wait at least 3-4 week after your rooster change for hatching eggs.

I doubt 6 layers will saturate the egg market. Just grow out your own and do your own thing.

Those eggs look like great sizes for hatching. Colored egg tend to be a tad smaller than the production breeds.

What does your OE too look like? I believe the colored egg gene is linked to a pea type comb. Might help solve the mystery.
Hahaha..... that's messed up how your neighbor are gonna get chickens to compete with you! Now, they are probably going to sell their eggs less than your asking price and steal all your customers! (Unless they are loyal customers) I would definitely give them the stink eye if I ever cross paths with them.
You'll want to wait at least 3-4 week after your rooster change for hatching eggs.

I doubt 6 layers will saturate the egg market. Just grow out your own and do your own thing.

Those eggs look like great sizes for hatching. Colored egg tend to be a tad smaller than the production breeds.

What does your OE too look like? I believe the colored egg gene is linked to a pea type comb. Might help solve the mystery.



Hahaha..... that's messed up how your neighbor are gonna get chickens to compete with you! Now, they are probably going to sell their eggs less than your asking price and steal all your customers! (Unless they are loyal customers) I would definitely give them the stink eye if I ever cross paths with them.

Neighbors??? Heck no! These are my in-laws, and living on the same bleeping property as me! Not my fault their customers preferred my eggs, and my current 10 hens aren’t exactly flooding the local market yet either! Also I’m feeding and caring for their 10 older brown layers!

Sorry for the late replies, missed the notifications about your posts!
@Kris5902 Go ahead and set those egg's. They should do fine. They say to wait 3 to 4 week's after removing the hen's from one rooster to make sure that she will not still be fertile by him. Of course you could make your rooster switch now if you haven't already, and then wait for that amount of time to pass.
I’m going to hatch out some, I’ve started collecting! and maybe switch my Roosters around next spring with the feathered feet and Black feathering of my current Rooster I will easily be able to tell who the daddy is. Still waiting on my meat bird eggs to size up some before I try those, that’s my big delay.

I don’t want to give them a rooster until their eggs are a little bigger, I worry about potentially damaging their legs during Mating, but if I’m going to switch I’ll be putting some gals in with the other rooster and adding in my younglings from the June/July hatch and hoping my boys leave them be and focus their attentions on the old enough to lay girls, and putting one of my barnvelder boys in with the meat ladies. To accommodate current housing constraints.
Sounds like you're having fun planning your breeding groups and have lots of options.

I'm growing out my own flock as well. Hoping to have 2 breeding groups next year. BBS Marans and homegrown barnyard mix.
Sounds like you're having fun planning your breeding groups and have lots of options.

I'm growing out my own flock as well. Hoping to have 2 breeding groups next year. BBS Marans and homegrown barnyard mix.

Nice! I’m not sure if I’m going to continue breeding my barnyard mixes for another generation, but that will be a win even for next year!

:he:he :he And... I did it again. I’m picking up another rooster on Monday. A something rather red heritage breed meat bird :he :he
I will never Learn! But, I did say no to 5 bantam cockerels another neighbor is trying to unload from his breeding project, so maybe there is some hope for me after all :gig

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