Big Nodules On Back of Hens Legs Scaly Leg mites??


9 Years
Jun 19, 2014
Central Coast, California
We recently acquired a hen with a lot of feathers on her feet. I picked her up today as I noticed a little limp and thought maybe something stuck in her foot. I see she has scaly leg mights really bad on her feet. I also felt up the back of her leg these hard nodules that go up the back of her leg. The look very thick and crusty. Could this be the work of scaly leg mites as well? I have only seen them on their toes. I have coated them with vasoline . Wivasoline work on the big crust nodules or is there a better solution? Is there hope when their legs are this bad.
I really want to get her taken care of right away. Thanks for your help!
We recently acquired a hen with a lot of feathers on her feet. I picked her up today as I noticed a little limp and thought maybe something stuck in her foot. I see she has scaly leg mights really bad on her feet. I also felt up the back of her leg these hard nodules that go up the back of her leg. The look very thick and crusty. Could this be the work of scaly leg mites as well? I have only seen them on their toes. I have coated them with vasoline . Wivasoline work on the big crust nodules or is there a better solution? Is there hope when their legs are this bad.
I really want to get her taken care of right away. Thanks for your help!

It could be scaly leg. I think you can put coconut oil on to help the healing. And the aim with scaly leg is to suffocate the mites so vaseline will do
We recently acquired a hen with a lot of feathers on her feet. I picked her up today as I noticed a little limp and thought maybe something stuck in her foot. I see she has scaly leg mights really bad on her feet. I also felt up the back of her leg these hard nodules that go up the back of her leg. The look very thick and crusty. Could this be the work of scaly leg mites as well? I have only seen them on their toes. I have coated them with vasoline . Wivasoline work on the big crust nodules or is there a better solution? Is there hope when their legs are this bad.
I really want to get her taken care of right away. Thanks for your help!

Hi @kperki Can you post some photos of the legs and nodules?
Have you check the bottom of her feet to make sure they don't have any scabs as well?

Scaly Leg Mites can be become quite severe and cause a crusty buildup. Depending on how bad, it can take a while to get the legs looking better.
Feathered feet may be a little harder to heal. Washing the legs in warm soapy water may help soften the scales and allow you to take a soft brush to scrub out some of the debris that is under the scales (mite poop). After you have washed the legs, apply an oil to smother the mites. @Linda V had good results using NuStock on her girls legs. Other people use coconut oil, castor oil, etc. If severe and you need a better treatment and don't mind throwing away eggs - then you can used something like Ivermectin Pour On.

Mites can also be draining - so keep watch that she is eating/drinking well. You can offer her some poultry vitamins in her water a couple of times a week along with some protein like egg or tuna.
Keep us posted.
Yes, I did apply Nu-Stock on their legs (twice) but, this is only after you've gotten rid of the mites, of course.

I held both hen's legs/feet in a coffee can filled with CANOLA and EVOO 5 mins X eight times - once a week!

That did the trick. Then, NuStock and twice since then with Vaseline. :)

A=Abigail and H=Henrietta Enjoying some REAL free roaming!

PLEASE NOTE: NuStock will turn your real silver jewelry TOTALLY BLACK if it comes in contact with it.

So, if that happens, dip it in liquid silver jewelry cleaner for 10 seconds to restore it back to new!

The smell of NuStock (to me) was not bad at all, however, it lingers in your clothing so after you apply it...wash them or you will smell like NuStock every where you go! lol! :)

My hens are so healthy now it's incredible! We sit in our lawn chairs every weekend for 2 hours or so and let them free roam in the backyard...that's fun for them and us too! We have a 5' privacy fence so they're fine and we don't leave till their back in their coop, run and secure free-range area - the cove!

They both look gorgeous now & one and Henrietta is even laying eggs again....hallelujah! :wee

Linda in NC
Thank you guys for your help. Here is a picture. I'm sorry for the delay I didn't get a notice anyone responded and I just came on here to search for help and saw responses.

I have been treating with Vaseline and just got some ivermectin paste in the mail today and will give her that too.

I notice the front of her legs are getting a little better but the back is bad with no change. She is limping a little. I had on hand metacam and have been giving her that. She is a sweet girl and I really want to provide her with the help and care she deserves.
Hi @kperki It looks like she has quite a bit of buildup and possibly some infection, but it's hard to know.
The Ivermectin will take care of the mites (kill them). Soaking the legs daily would be a good idea. I would be inclined to soak them in Clorhexidine or Betadine if you have those. Epsom salts may be soothing and healing enough, but I worry about infection. Give them a gentle scrub every day. I would also apply a triple antibiotic ointment or Vetericyn to the legs instead of vaseline.

You may want to give her a boost with some poultry vitamins a couple of days a week and add some protein like egg, tuna or meat as a daily treat.

(whole thread is informational) Start at post #13 for help with Ivermectin Paste dosage:

Keep us posted.
The legs look like she may have pododermatitis or bumblefoot on the backs of her legs. That can be a bacterial infection--sometimes staphylococcus, or gut bacteria such as E.coli and others. She may also have leg mites as well. Does she roost on a perch at night or lie on the floor? Any trouble walking, or does she lie down a lot? I would make sure the coop bedding is clean and dry. Wet bedding, especially straw or hay, can hold in moisture. Using dry pine shavings would be good. I would follow Wyorp Rock's advice on soaking the legs daily, perhaps using a toothbrush on them gently, and apply the plain triple antibiotic/neosporin ointment afterward. Here is an article on pododermatitis:
No chicken expert here, but when we got our 2 hens in 2016, one had a long, pointy, weird looking thing sticking out the side of her leg. We didn't know anything about mites, etc., then but when I saw her legs getting covered in crusty looking stuff I quickly researched it and found out to my horror - she had a terminal case of leg mites. By then hen #2 had them as well.

After learning on BYC that oil suffocates them - I held each hen for 5 mins once a week eight weeks in a row, then I applied 2 coats of NewStock to their legs/feet once a week for three weeks and then ended their treatments with a coat of Vaseline.

IF you want photos of before, during and and I'll post them on here! If you want to see these pics now, however...they're on my postings under this category.

Now I'm focused on prevention with DE, poultry powder, Permethrin and lots of hardwood ash from the fire pit!

It's heartbreaking to see your hen's legs right now...but you should have seen my girls' legs and feet...horrible! Now they are done molting and are both GORGEOUS!!! :frow
Thank you all again. Your help is so appreciated. I looked at your pics Linda V I am so happy your girls recovered.
She has a limp now which is worse than it was the other day. I have seen bumblefoot in person and it doesn't look like the bumblefoot I saw before.
Someone I know had me take her as her chickens always seemed to peck her or the roosters chase her. Maybe they knew she was sick.
Today I followed all your instructions except using the toothbrush on her feet. Maybe tomorrow I will add that to it. I just felt like it might be too much for her. I soaked her, rinsed her legs in betadine, then I put a little ivermectin in water (pour on) and brushed it on her legs I then put neem oil on them then I put an ointment with calendula and other healing ingredients on her feet and back of legs, it's very thick. I then put a gauze pad on the back and lightly wrapped gauze around the upper portion of her legs where nodules are. I slathered on Vaseline on her feet upperand lower. I had earlier trimmed some feathers away also. I put baby socks over her feet. She can walk in them I put them on her the other day. I gave her the paste ivermectin, metacam for pain and inflammation, and an antibiotic incase she needs it as I feel she is going downhill and that she may need it. She feels lighter today. She did eat a lot of meat, I let another hen in and it makes her want to eat more. She also seems to be sitting around more and there is some crusty build up on the side of her foot which might make her limp too. It was a lot for her and I hope I didn't over do it.

I will see if I can find the Nustock. I'm willing to try anything. I have the triple antibiotic ointment I will use tomorrow instead of Vaseline.

Do I give her the ivermectin paste again in 10 days or when?

I kind of feel maybe it is something internal as well and the other chickens sensed it and that's why they chased her etc.

I will try everything to save the little sweetheart!

Thanks again!

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