Big's Jersey Corn - Big's Corncakes


15 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Scenic Jackson New Jersey
Necessity being the mother of invention, one night I was doing a bunch of food in a new kitchen, not having seen my own tools or knives for over a month it's a little strange working in a small kitchen, but I love to cook so I learn to improvise. I hope you enjoy this and the recipes associated with it...


Sicilian Jersey Corn

mis en place:

10-12 ears freshly shucked corn

Bigs Garlic/Basil Oil
8-10 large garlic cloves, peeled
10-15 basil leaves
handful flat leafed parsley
1 cup EVO

Place garlic, basil leaves and parsley in blender, whir on high speed and slowly add EVO until you have a fragrant runny paste. Set aside

Cook off corn in batches in boiling water, drain and season LIBERALLY with salt and pepper, then slather on butter, place in large bowl. Drizzle on about 1/3 cup Garlic/Basil Oil. Use remaing Garlic/Basil oil for other recipes (a great garnish for a plate of sliced ripe tomatoes !!). BE SURE TO SAVE 2-3 EARS OF THE CORN FOR NEXT MORNING'S BREAKFAST: Big's Corn Cakes...



Really terrific !! You need a couple ears of Big's Sicilian Jersey Corn to really give these a very good kick in the pants (when cooked corn has cooled I put the leftover ears in a big ziplock bag, basil drizzle and all, that basil drizzle really makes these cakes quite different than your ordinary breakfast cake).

Mis en place:

2-3 ears Big's Sicilian Jersey Corn, corn removed with sharp knife
2 cups all purpose flour
2 1/2 cups milk
2 eggs
1 Tbls Baking Powder
2 Tsp Salt
2 Tbls White Sugar
1/3 cup corn oil (or bacon drippings !)


Combine all dry ingredients in bowl, then add milk, eggs and corn oil, mix well, then fold in corn. Start large skillet warming, add a tiny bit of corn oil to pan, when hot ladle in about 1/4 cup batter, be sure to get some of corn bits in each. Cook and flip when golden brown. Repeat until all cooked. Butter and serve with your best maple syrup.

These sound really good. I've never had corncakes. When our corn comes off around here, I'm going to try these. I'm sure it's something my family would love and my mouth is watering just imagining the taste!
Do you know its 2:30 here and i am HUNGRY now!! Adding this to my list to make this summer! Thanks!
I am growing sweet corn this year, but it is unlikely I'll wait until it's picked to try these recipes.

Our local farmer's market opens next weekend but I doubt they will have sweet corn so soon

Grocery corn will just have to do...sigh...
Sounds good.
Wish it was corn harvesting time.
Nothings as good as country grown sweet corn, store bought matter what the name is just never as good.
This I will try tomorrow. getting fresh corn.
looks and sounds to delish to pass up. can this be done with farm
corn thats been frozen or will the flavor change.
I froze some farmstand corn (on the cob) last summer and it thawed tasting almost fresh.
I bet frozen corn is Next Best to fresh-picked for the corncake recipe.
Thanks for the reminder

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