Big's Skirt Steak Tacos


15 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Scenic Jackson New Jersey
Tacos, no not that stuff they sell at Taco Bell but real tacos, served on two SMALL tortillas stacked together. The meat should have a little heat to it when you chew it and then it catches up with you. After a couple of these babies your scalp should be sweating a tad. LOL

Skirt Steak Taco

Mis en place
2 lbs. skirt steak cut in 1/2 inch wide strips
3 Tbls Lard

3 Tbls Lard
1/2 yellow onion diced
1 mild green chile (about 6 inches long) chopped, seeds and all !!
2 large carrots grated
3 stalks celery, diced

5-8 cloves garlic rough chopped
1 package taco seasoning
1 Tsp Cumin
1 Tbls. Garlic Chile Paste

2 cups orange juice
3 cups Coca Cola
1 can beef stock

In heavy dutch oven on high heat add lard, once melted saute the strip steak slices in TWO batches. Remove with tongs or slotted spoon to a large bowl when done. Now add the 2nd 3 Tbls lard and saute 2nd group of ingredients until the onion is almost clear - next add the garlic, taco seasoning, cumin powder and garlic chile paste. Stire in well and saute another 2-3 minutes. Now deglaze the pan with the orange juice scrape bottom of pan with wooden spoon to break free all those tasty bits of caramelized meat and vegetable matter, simmer about 2 minutes. Now add the sauteed skirt steak back to the pan, add the Coca Cola and beef stock and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover and put into 350 degree oven for 1 hour. Remove from oven and sift 1/3 cup flour into top of mixture, stir in well and return to oven UNCOVERED to cook for 30-45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove and serve with guacamole, Big's Roasted Corn Relish and sour cream on tiny tortillas...

Big's Roasted Corn Relish:

Mis en place:

2 ears fresh corn, kernels cut off
1 mild green chile, about 6 inches long, rough chopped
6-8 cloves garlic, rough chopped
1 Tsp. Cumin
pinch red pepper flake
1 Tbls Lard

3 scallions, sliced
10-15 sprigs cilantro chopped
1 lime, zested and juiced
salt and pepper

Place 1st group of ingredients in small cast iron skillet, slide into 350 degree oven for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally so all kernels brown a little. Remove and dump contents of pan into bowl. Add 2nd group of ingredients. Taste for seasoning and add lime juice, a little Tobasco Sauce or more salt and pepper to get it to your liking... Serve over taco meat along with sour cream and guacamole.

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The persistent colder weather along with my wife dropping a few more pounds than her Weight Watcher's Goal allows me to make us this dish tonight, instead of skirt steak I am using a beef round stew meat, cut up real small. Same process. Also serving it with my wife's favorite garnish PEBRE:


Another staple of the Chilean table is pebre, which to the untrained eye could be confused for a salsa or pico de gaillo... No matter where you eat in Chile, once you order the waiter brings you "bread" and butter (these tough little baking soda biscuits) and a small bowl of pebre. Pebre is used to "kick up" just about any dish served there.

Mis en place

1/2 yellow onion, small dice
2 roma tomatoes, small dice
1or 2 6-7 inch long mild green or yellow chile, small dice, seeds and all
2 tbls. chopped garlic
1 cup chopped cilantro
1 tbls salt
1/2 cup evo

Combine all ingredients in bowl, mix well. NOTICE there is NO acid (ie: lemon or lime juice). THIS is how it is prepared. It is served on the table and used in just about any dish served to perk it up a bit. Great stuff. My wife doesn't know when to stop with this stuff, ladles it on like there's no tomorrow, there's heck to pay when she does... LOL




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