bird RP

Ira woke up. She screamed when she saw that Kanji was there.

"Sorry sir, I am not a tropogan. You have nice feathers and I hope you find a mate soon," Mo said to Flash.
Ira woke up. She screamed when she saw that Kanji was there.
"Sorry sir, I am not a tropogan. You have nice feathers and I hope you find a mate soon," Mo said to Flash.

(tragopan i miss spelled it XD )

Kanji nearl fell off, he was knocked upside down, luckily his breed was meant to do their courtship dance upside down. He flipped himself back up and steadied himself, he flew in place in front of her "Sorry for scaring you"

Flash cocked his head and looked at her "Wha..?Your not a dude tragopan?" he flew off in a 'flash' (hehe)

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