Bird watching

I began bird watching at an early age. Used to drive my grandmother nuts talking about birds when she had to wath us.
I was raised bird watching. My grandpa always talked to me about birds and taught me what they were and what bird sounds we were hearing. He is in the nursing home now and most of our conversations are still about birds when I go see him!
Sorry i haven't replied yet guys, haven't really felt like it, idk :/ not that i dont want to answer or talk to you guys pr talk birds aha, i do. idk how to explain it. Anyway, I'll answer when i can
oh and some butterball ducks (i think there called ruddy ducks, i shot one once and my grandpa told me it was a butter ball duck and sure enough when we cleaned/plucked it and then cooked it up it was like a little butter ball.)

okay there called bufflehead ducks, (and reading they supposed to be awful to eat, lol i really enjoyed it.)
Sorry i haven't replied yet guys, haven't really felt like it, idk :/ not that i dont want to answer or talk to you guys pr talk birds aha, i do. idk how to explain it. Anyway, I'll answer when i can
Don't feel bad! I've been having some tough times as of late myself. I figure everyone's lives are probably as busy as mine so we reply when we have time and a mind to lol
Our baby robins are growing quickly. They are starting to overflow their nest! It won't be long before they are out and about. I'll have to get a picture of them before they leave.
I have no short supply of robins in my yard! Some already have babies out of the nest out hopping all over the yard and yelling for worms. They are fun to watch but they have the messiest poop!! They eat mulberries and dive bomb my house with purple poo! Pretty annoying. But That's the worst thing you'll hear me say about birds.
They are eating worms and caterpillars here. We have no mulberries and the blueberries are a long way off. Even longer if the chilly weather continues. (I'm hoping it does - I HATE hot weather!)
Don't feel bad! I've been having some tough times as of late myself. I figure everyone's lives are probably as busy as mine so we reply when we have time and a mind to lol

Thank you!

I think I've decided I'm back cause i wanna jump into this robin discussion lol

I will answer the older parts later.
We have sooo many robins, everywhere lol

They eat worms mainly.

They've discovered outside the chicken run lol

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