Bird watching

I've seen the occasional goldfinch in the yard. I know I'll see more in Sept when they come for weed seeds. I let native weeds and wildflowers grow in parts of the yard for birds and pollinators. Sadly not a single Monarch yet again this year.

Found a Cardinal's nest in an apple tree out front a month ago. It went unnoticed until the parents spent the morning convincing the nestlings it was time to go,

Found a wren's nest in the chicken coop last week. The next day the fledglings left the coop. All but one. It got lost on the way out. Spent 45 minutes with the teeny tiny baby on my shoulder looking around for mom and dad. We did find them in our neighbor's spruces. We left the little one on the ground near some branches and one of the adults kept encouraging it to go higher. Went back an hour later and saw no sign of the baby on the ground so hopefully it's on it's way.
Sorry I'm so bad at replying! :lau :oops:

Anyway, yeah, I haven't seen any in a long time so idk if I've just never noticed or if they're back or what. We have a lot of overgrown parts/weeds too although my dad just recently mowed down the grass in the backyard. It's kind of on a hill and was real long/more brown? And weeds mixed in, idk what kind it was exactly but it hasn't been mowed in years and the animals loved it. But I'm sure it will grow back by fall. He mowed it maybe a month ago? Maybe more. And there's still parts not mowed. Like where it mixed with lilies aha. We also have wild raspberries and blueberries back there. We don't have any wildflowers though :( I was thinking of getting some seeds maybe.

I don't think we've had a monarch either. Have had other butterflies though.

I love cardinals! Did the baby eventually go?

Aww that was nice of you to help the wren and I hope it's parents got it!!

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