Bird watching

Those are blue jays, right?

Normally I don't see very many but when I first started feeding animals, just tossing BOSS in the backyard, they came in droves.. never knew we had that many LOL one day we had literally 7. And of course the squirrels and chipmunks. But yeah, now with the feeders I only see one or two at a time but the smaller birds get scared
We have a lot of seagulls near the beaches/waters but they don't really come inland as much. Although during storms they all crowd every parking lot, especially near fast food places, or field LOL
Those are blue jays, right?

Normally I don't see very many but when I first started feeding animals, just tossing BOSS in the backyard, they came in droves.. never knew we had that many LOL one day we had literally 7. And of course the squirrels and chipmunks. But yeah, now with the feeders I only see one or two at a time but the smaller birds get scared
Yep. Blue jays. We sometimes feed them unsalted peanuts in the winter its entertaining to watch how many they shove in their mouth at one time! I've heard a lot of people complain about them scaring off the other birds but I still like them. My hubby says they are just misunderstood lol
Yep. Blue jays. We sometimes feed them unsalted peanuts in the winter its entertaining to watch how many they shove in their mouth at one time! I've heard a lot of people complain about them scaring off the other birds but I still like them. My hubby says they are just misunderstood lol

That's hilarious, I'll have to try that lol yeah, I do like them too, they are beautiful birds. They just can be bullies. But yes, definitely misunderstood! Lol and besides, when they scare the other birdd off, they just go to the other feeder or come back after the jays leave :) and semi random but I'm glad we don't have bears here cause I couldn't stand not feeding the birds lol
So do you guys have any tufted titmouse in MA? They are one of my favorites so cute!
cracks me up watching them crack a seed while holding it down with their feet!
My son likes to try to take bird pictures. He has a good camera though.

We certainly have titmice. They like to hang out with the chickadees and nuthatches.

I didn't see any orioles today but I sure heard them. The pileated woodpeckers were rather vocal too.
Sound like we have pretty much the same kinda backyard birds. I don't leave the state often so it's interesting to look for birds in other states I don't normally see. I don't have sea gulls lol. I did see a blue heron on a canoe trip once!

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