Birdy bed time - how we get ours to go to bed


13 Years
Jul 26, 2007
Mount Shasta, CA
Lately our hens have decided to boycot going to bed, especially Angel, the white leghork aka poopy butt aka durty burd.

Until the new coop is done, they are supposed to sleep in a 4x6x2 tractor. But it seems lately they want to sleep outside. We learned a trick.

All we do is turn on a light inside the coop. They see it and literally form a line and march into the coop. Except for, of course, Angel. She just sits there and digs a bit deeper into her perch until I grab her, and poke her through to pop hole, as she protests loudly.

It's so funny to see them all go "march march march" into the coop.
Umm, sun goes down and I am to busy so I go out there with a stick and flashlight and shut the door and make sure no one got distracted and found another place to go to bed at.
(the stick is for coons, theyre nasty little buggers, I dont want to have an encounter, I need to get out there earlier)

Your stories are so cute!
my hens and roosters roost outside, even though they have a chicken house with easy access, they all prefer to get up into two trees that are near the chicken house, and some sit along the pen fencing. A few go into the dog houses inside the pen, and every night after dark I go close the pen door to keep them safe since they are on the ground. But most are in the trees, some very high up there, I hear the banty roos crowing just at dusk, from the top of the tree! I suppose they are safe - I've never seen a raccoon here, hawks don't fly at night - I do hear great-horned owls at night but haven't seen that I'm missing any hens. So I guess it works. In the winter they do go into the chicken house.

If I simply left them to fend for themselves with the coop door open, knowing that they can go into the coop if they want, are the silly little beggars smart enough to protect themselves if it gets too cold?
I have the lights on a timer and just before dark they come on. It's funny to see the chickens all run towards the light as soon as it comes on. They get about an hour of light and most are eating just before they perch. I never have to chase them in as long as the light comes on.
i have to admit i got lucky with my crew - as soon as it starts to get just alittle bit dark they all head to bed on thier own - my roo is normally the first one in and will crow until all his girls are in with him - than i just shut the door

Late yesterday evening I decided it was time for a major cleaning of the coop. I was nearly finished and it was getting to be bedtime for the girls. They stood outside the door and clucked and complained about my throwing their schedule off! As soon as I vacated their coop, everyone hopped in and settled down for the night. I was laughing and my husband stuck his head out the door and asked what was so funny. I had to tell him that I was being scolded by the chickens...

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