Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Junior: *GASP* A LETTER!!!?? TO MEEE!!!??? :D
Snap: Open it!! :D
Junior: Okay!! :D It says
You are invited to Amelia's Christmas Party!!!
When: December 27th 3:00
Where: Amelia's house.
What: Bring a small snack and a drink!!!
Please R.S.V.P. by December 26th!!!

Junior: *GASP* OH MY LANDS I'M INVITED TO AMELIA'S CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if Steven's goin!!?? *calls Steven* Yo Dude!! You going to Amelia's party?? *pause* You ARE!!?? COOL SO AM I!! OKAY BYE!! *hangs up phone* STEVEN'S GOING TOO AND-
Buttermilk: YES PLEASE!!!
Snap: I LIKE YELLING IT'S FUN!!!!!!!!! :D
Junior: QUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Everyone is silence]
Bisquick: Thank you. Now everyone, please shut up!!
I can come to the party! Also, I'm going to use tinkerbell13013's chickens more often.

Sunrise: You're in a whole heap of trouble, Auroura.
Auroura: I'm the head hen! you can't get me into trouble!
Susan: See, Auroura was called Molly back at the big egg farm. When she came here, none of us had been friends with her back at the farm, so none of us really knew her name. (there were 700 chickens there, we couldn't memeorize everyone's names.) So she said she was Auroura.
Selena: she had been in love with one of the roosters back at the farm, and when she was given away, he missed her so much, he looked through the farm reecords and found her adress.

Auroura: NOT FUNNY!!!!
Midnite: yes it is!
Bisquick: You used to live wherever the earlybird gang lived???????????? Weeiiiirrrrddddd.
Buttermilk: YAY!!! Glad you guys can come!!!! Hey Techno gang, do you think you could make it?
Snap: My word. We're gonna have to fire the crow and hire another mail person for ourselves!!!
Junior: Sounds like a plan. Let's file a complaint.
Buttermilk: Snap!! You can't just fire the mailcrow!! The mail company does that.
Snap: Uhhh, the mail company doesn't determine who our mailcrow is!!!
Junior: Yea!!
Bisquick: *facepalm* Guys, the mailcrow isn't just our's personally. He delivers mail to everyone. *head snaps up from wing* DUH!!
Snap Junior: OOHHHHHHH................................
Junior: That makes sense. :3
Bisquick: I'll go check just in case you guys missed the mail.
Selena: well, all of us came from a free-range, organic egg farm which gave away their chickens whenever they were past their prime laying age.
Susan: they gave them away to lots of different people, so it's plausible that we came from the same place.
Bisquick: Here is our Christmas tree and stockings!! :D

Bisquick: Mine is the first one. It looks like purple, but it's navy blue.
Buttermilk: Mine is the blinding sparkly purple one
Snap: Mine is the green one with the long pom-poms.
Junior: And mine is the blue one. It has the star of Jesus on it!
Bisquick: No it doesn't!!
Junior: Does too!! Look at the sparkle at the right of my pom-poms!!
Buttermilk: Aw, that's adorable Juni. :)
Junior: :3
Haha, I just stuffed 'em.
Junior: MOMMY JUST STUFFED OUR STOCKINGS!!!! I figured out how it works. Santa gives the gifts to the Mommies and the Mommies wrap them and give them to the kids!! :D That is how it works because Santa could never go to everyone's house in one night!! Besides, there are different time zones.
Bisquick: It started snowing really hard!!!
Buttermilk: Yea, we went outside and Mommy shut the door to our coop because we couldn't see our presents. :3
Snap: Yea, we stayed in the springhouse though cause it was cold.
Bisquick: Mommy took me outside to see the snow. It was so pretty. :)
Buttermilk: l looked at it too!! It was pretty!
Junior: It's just too cold!!
Snap: I like it. :3
Bisquick: We didn't have stockings last year.
Junior: Cool Selena!!! That's always a fun thing to do. :3
Buttermilk: Oh my word. Last year when we stayed up I was soooooooo beat.
Snap: I was SO hyper!!!! :D
Bisquick: And we're gonna stay up this year!!!! :D
Junior Snap: YES!!
Buttermilk: NO!!
Bisquick: Aw, you'll have fun Buttermilk.
Buttermilk: Yea, yea that's what you said last year.
Mir: My chicken momma is still at the hatchery :( but at least I have Malibu.
Ella: I was attacked by a hawk and I jammed myself under the shower. Malibu saved me and gave me these amazing crackers :3
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