Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Me: Is a hemlock tree actually poisonous for them to play under? They don't eat it, but they'll just peck at it every once in awhile.
Bisquick: It is SO COLD!
Buttermilk: Mommy turned on our light early.
Snap: ZZZZzzzzz.
Buttermilk: Snap, wake up.
Snap: Huh?! Oh. Gah, it's chilly!!!!!! I like spring better.
Bisquick: Just think guys. Next week it's 50 degrees.
All chickens: AAahhhhh. 3)
Me: I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that the poisonous hemlock is different than a hemlock tree.
Gertie: No freezing rain yet.
Captain Flint: But it's raining and 32 degrees, so it might come.
Princess: I hope not.
Dandelion: Mommy ordered her chicks today!!!!! She got 1 BO rooster, 1 white leghorn pullet, 1 barred rock, and 1 americana.
Bisquick: Mommy ordered our chicks today too!!!!!!
Buttermilk: You guys know what we're getting. ;)
Snap: They're all gonna be a week apart.
Bisquick: Cause the feed store didn't have all the breeds that we want coming in on the same day, so Mommy's getting one ever week.
Buttermilk: Here's the schedule:
3/21/13- We get the Buff Orpington, Omelette
3/28/13- We get the Ameraucana, Pippy
4/4/13- We get the Barred Rock, Hedwig
Snap: How will we ever wait that long???!!! D:
Bisquick: I dunno, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying the warm heat lamp that Mommy got us when she ordered the chicks. 3)
Buttermilk: Same!!! Now our water won't freeze hopefully!!!
Snap: 32 degrees!!!?? I'm moving to where you guys live Fluffballs gang!!!!!
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