Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Quote: Hazel: Yes, here in America it is Saturday. Well, was Saturday, now it's like 9 p.m.
Omelette: BIG NEWS! chickens 4 ever gang got two new chicks!!
Pippy: They were in our brooder since Thursday, but we couldn't post ANYTHING about them or else chickens 4 ever might see.
Bisquick: They were for her birthday, so they were supposed to be a surprise-- and they were!
Buttermilk: Mommy got us this new kind of layer feed (me: It's a supplement that looks just like it) and it conditions are plumage!
Snap: For chickens who don't take Feather Care, it means that it makes your feathers look nice and shiny!

can ducks join to
Yea! Absolutely!!!
Hazel: Sounds like cool breeds guys!
All chickens: Welcome new members!!! :D
Buttermilk: Mommy took us out for like an hour this morning!! :D
Bisquick: Yea! And we saw a hawk! I talked to him, also.
Pippy: She told us what he said....
Omelette: It was scarryyyyy.
Princess: What did it say?
Lady Bullseye: I was outside almost all day!
Gertie: Me too! We escaped... :3
Lady: Indeed, the Food Girls' mom calls us the "dumb blonds" because we're buff colored, but we are the best escapees!
Gertie: Hehee... But then they found the hole we had been squeezing through...
Lady: So now we will have to find a new hole, because they put more wire across...
Webfeard: QUACK YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Snowy: that guy can join. he bit my tail once! Fluffy: is that why you always make him back off? Snowy: yes. Fluffy: then why did you bite my comb today? Snowy: I was mad at you for no reason Fluffy: Mommy was mad when you did that she had to hold you for a long time.
Hazel: It's my holiday!
Pippy: And mine too!!!
Snap: Mom said that her voice is 'horse' How can her voice be an animal???
Hazel: Um, hoarse. The state, or quality of losing your voice, the technical term, laryngitis.
*whispers to Buttermilk* How does she know that???
Buttermilk: I dunno!!
Snap: After Hazel went to Pine Cone on Friday, she's really opened up.
Omelette: Yea! She digs all the time and is ALWAYS spewing out that kind of information!!!
Bisquick: Geez. You could like be my teacher.
Buttermilk: Hazel, how did you learn so much?
Hazel: Uhhh, I snuck into the library and got some books.
Omelette: You're not even a week old and you can READ?!
Hazel: Guess so.
Pippy: Better believe it.
The chicks are here!!!!!
Pebble: There is one that is gonna be like me and Marble! (an EE)

Here is a picture-

Dandy: The one with her back to us is the BO, named Daisy. so now we have a BO Daffodil, Dandelion and Daisy! :D
Temple: Cool beans!

Clover: Congrats!
Gucci: Have fun with chicks!
Omlette: Sure, whatever.
Martha: Omlette... Congrats, Dandelion and Pebble!
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