Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Temple: Cool beans!

Clover: Congrats!
Gucci: Have fun with chicks!
Omlette: Sure, whatever.
Martha: Omlette... Congrats, Dandelion and Pebble!
Hey did you change your username?
Omelette: Congrats on the chicks CG3 gang!!!
Pippy: Hedwig should be here on Thursday-
Hazel: BUT, based on the facts gathered to find the correct information, my hypothesis is that she'll come a day early, Nissley's (the feed store) will call at approximately 10:00 in the a.m., and thus she'll follow along in our footsteps coming a day early like everyone else. New Mexico is awesome.
All chickens: O.O Wow.
Hazel: What???!!!
Omelette: Yea, New Mexico is awesome. That's where we came from! Privett Hatchery in New Mexico!
Snap: I can't believe she knows that much already. I mean, she won't even have to go to kindergarten and elementary school!
Bisquick: *reading book* Yup, *takes a peck from bread* probably not.
Buttermilk: AAwww!!! I think Mom just gave us a normal dose of layer pellets.
Pippy: Buttermilk, only you would be able to tell the difference between a conditioner and a layer pellet-- that are IDENTICAL.
Buttermilk: Pippen Louise, I have had MAJOR experience with feathers-- taken four courses, gotten straight A's in all of them- of COURSE I'll be able to tell.
Snap: Never under estimate Buttermilk's feather power.
Clover: Im lerning two spell!
Goldenrod: Me two! See: Helloh mi name iz Goldenrod!
Didjety: When, oh when will they ever learn.
Streak: iy kin spill to!
Nightshade: I have the best spelling of all of us!
Doby: No I do!
Nightshade: Then spell supercalifragilisticsegpialidocious
Doby: Copy, Paste...
Nightshade: HEY!
Dandy: I can Spell it, soopercalifrigelasticseggspeasalidocshis!
Dotti: No it's spelled Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Pansy: Soup er... collie fridge elastics eggs and peas and coccidiosis!
Petunia: Whut everr!
Pilgrim: What abowt this? pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
Other chicks: Hey, Youre using a dictionary!
Dandelion: Here are 2 of the new chicks- the other four don't have names-
Daisy: Hiya guys! I is Daisy!
Dandelion: I AM Daisy.
Mr. Darcy: I AM Mr. Darcy, maybe. I am a rooster! *Tries to crow but peeps loudly.*
Darcy: *giggles... in a man like manner. :p* Thanks.
Dandelion: *grins*
Pebble: I know what your thinking.
Dandelion: Nuh-uh!
Pebble: Actually, I'm pretty sure I do.
Dandelion: Yah, probably. :D
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