Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Goldberry: You guys are lucky, I wanna go broody but master won't let me!
Dotti: Me and my chicks are all in the aviary now!
Petunia: I know! But Raven was being mean to mommy yesterday!
Daffodil: I think it has got sumthing to do with the pekking-order, I learned about it in school yesterday.
Bisquick: Mommy was really busy this weekend because her soon-to-be-sister-in-law was having a bridle shower.
Hazel: No, no. Bridal shower.
Buttermilk: It's when people would shower her with presents.
Hedwig: Gosh, that would hurt!
Hazel Buttermilk: No no!!!!
Pippy: Then, did she just take a normal shower?
Hazel: Noooo!!!
Buttermilk: They would just give her gifts.
Omelette: Well, that makes sense.
Buttermilk: Henny, yes our co-op does take art because we meet three times a week.
Snap: Yea, we meet Monday, Wednesday, Friday. It's fun!
Omelette: I really like it. :3 It's really nice, cause like Hazel can take subjects that are like two grades above her.
I'm new to this, so what is it that I'm suppose to do I hit the click. Forgive me if I'm not part of the tec. generation. I'm just getting in to the Geritol geriwhat was I doing age.
I think my hubby is getting close to looking as good as that old man
let me know what I didn't win!!
Lady Bullseye: Well, it's a gorgeous day, and an eventful one as well... We have been free-ranging all together.
Gertie: I layed an egg yesterday! First one since I moved to my separate apartement!

Me: Hey, Princess, can I pick you up!
Princess: Ah!!! A Food Person! HELP!!!!!!! SQUAK-A-BWAAAAAK!!!!
Captain Flint: I will save you!!!! SQUAKKKKK! Take your hands off the fair lady, Food Giant! SQUAKKKK!
Me: Okay, Okay....
Captain: Are you unhurt, Princess???
Princess: Um, yes... They actually gave me scratch...
Daisy: Mommy FINALLY named my other 2 sisters! Meet-
Merri: Merri, the Ameracauna and...
Pippyn: Pippyn the barred rock!
Daisy: Pippy, is your name Pippin?
Pippyn: You guys will NEVER guess what I did!
I'm new to this, so what is it that I'm suppose to do I hit the click. Forgive me if I'm not part of the tec. generation. I'm just getting in to the Geritol geriwhat was I doing age.
I think my hubby is getting close to looking as good as that old man
let me know what I didn't win!!
Hi, chickery-do. I didn't quite understand your post there. This thread is where you chat through your chicken's perspective, like this:

Sal: Hi, chickery-do!
Sophia: Sal, stop yelling in my ear!
Daisy: Mommy FINALLY named my other 2 sisters! Meet-
Merri: Merri, the Ameracauna and...
Pippyn: Pippyn the barred rock!
Daisy: Pippy, is your name Pippin?
Pippyn: You guys will NEVER guess what I did!
Whilloghby: What did she do?! I bet I did something TWICE as silly!
Elanor: Whilloghby thinks he is the king of silliness.
Marianne: He keeps trying to defeat Sal in tripping over his feet and slurring his speech.
Daisy: Mommy FINALLY named my other 2 sisters! Meet-
Merri: Merri, the Ameracauna and...
Pippyn: Pippyn the barred rock!
Daisy: Pippy, is your name Pippin?
Pippyn: You guys will NEVER guess what I did!
Pippy: Yea, my full name is Pippin too!! Except that it's spelled with an 'i' not with a 'y.' That's the only real way to spell it.
Buttermilk: Pippin Louise!! Where are your manners???!!!!
Pippy: Eh, I left them back at the hatchery.
Hazel: Please excuse my twin. She is most un-mannerly sometimes.
Hedwig: Yea! Like that one time at co-op the teacher asked where her homework was and she said that she ate it.
Pippy: *giggle* Oh yea.
Snap: At any rate, we have such great manners here at the Headwaters Farm.
Buttermilk: Um, more like the ratio of mannerly to un-mannerly is 2/5
Bisquick: Uh!!! I'm mannerly!
Buttermilk: *snot* HA!
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