Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Buttermilk: Good luck on contacting them Wish!!!
Bisquick: Yea, how did the interviews go guys?
Junior: All's well here. Just getting ready for Hurricane Sandi or Sandy to come rampaging up the East Coast!!! :O
Snap: That lice breakout sounds awful Susan and Sunrise and Selena!! Glad you guys didn't get any. :)

Mir: Malibu's gonna tie down our coops. If something happens to them, then we get to go inside. :3
Ella: YAY for Wish!


Bisquick: GUYS, you WILL NOT believe this!!!!
Buttermilk: Mom is turning our huge pantry-
Snap: Which is bigger than our actual house-
Buttermilk: into- the honors Junior-
Junior: OUR COOP!!!!!
Bisquick: Mom's going to section off some of it and we'll live in there!!!!
Snap: Mom said something about a loft too!!!!
Buttermilk: Isn't it exciting!!!??? :D
Bisquick: We'll even be in there for the hurricane. :3
Junior: I invited Peanut and Buddy (me note: they're my rabbits) to join us, but they said that they like storms. :)
Snap: Yea, isn't that funny? They said they watch them from their room.
Buttermilk: I can't WAIT to move in there!!!
Bisquick: We even ventured down to the garden today and dug around!!!! :D
Junior: Today was the best Saturday EVER!!!!
All four: Stay safe Malibu gang!!! (I didn't know what to call them so I called them the Malibu gang. :3)

Ella: Thanks :3 If the other storm stalls for a bit, we'll get a direct hit. There are three storms all merging... the cold storm is gonna push the hurricane out west.. right now, it's headed right for us.


Ella: yeah, not looking forward to it. Thanks for praying :3

Henry: Well, the storm brewing here is a PARTY STORM!!!!!
Pam: There was no party, Henry!!!!
Henry: What?!

Cheep: I am so scared for this storm!
Peep: Relax Cheep its just a little storm, It will be fun!
Brownie: LITTLE STORM???? ITS A HURRICANE YOU DING DONG! *cuddles up to Cheep*
Cheep: Oh it ok Brownie! *cuddles up to Brownie*
Mocha: Guys really? We will be in our little cozy and safe warm area :)
Brownie: True.
Cheep: Yea I guess but I am still not going to get off of the roosting bar!

Malibu, littlefarmer, chickens4ever, when's the storm hitting you guys?

Bisquick: It's official!!! :D
Buttermilk: We moved into our new house!!!
Snap: Mom put down woodchips instead of shavings.
Junior: It's so fun to dig in!!! :D Except I get pecked on.
*glares at Bisquick*
Bisquick: Well, you get in my way.
Junior: Pff.
Buttermilk: Guys, stop arguing.
Snap: Yea!!! Enjoy the new home!!! :D
Buttermilk: Our Aunt Emily helped us move in with our Mom!!!
Bisquick: Yea, but Grampi built it. :3
Snap: Now we'll be safe from the hurricane!!!
Junior: Hang in there all you East Coasters!!!! One thing though that I don't like about our new home is that we're not neighbors with the rabbits!!! D:
Snap: Yea, they were fun.
Buttermilk: Actually, they were kinda growing on me. :)
Junior: Ew, they wouldn't grow on you!!
Buttermilk: I meant that I was kinda warming up to 'em!!!
Bisquick: That makes more sense. I'll miss them, but we can always see them when we come out. :)


Bisquick: Yikes!!! This hurricane is getting really bad!!!
Buttermilk: Yea!!! It ruined my whole day!! I didn't even get to sunbath my beautiful feathers in the sun because of all this rain!!
Snap: At least we're warm and dry!!
Junior: *flies on coop and and flies over*
Bisquick: Uh, Junior what are you doing?
Junior: Going to invite the rabbits to come in here with us. :)
Bisquick, Buttermilk Snap: NOOOO!!!!!
*The other three fly over the door and slam the door shut*
Junior: Hey!!!
Snap: Junior, you'll get blown away!!!
Buttermilk: Yea!!! Have you heard the wind?
Junior: Well I guess- *sigh* I just feel bad for the rabbits. They're out in all this chaos.
Bisquick: I know, but it'll be over before ya even know it and then you can visit them, okay? *fake hopeful smile*
Junior: Okaay.
Bisquick: Now!!! Time to get to bed everyone!! Assume your positions!!!
*Snap and Junior go on one roost and Bisquick and Buttermilk go on the other*
(me note: Yes, I have two roosts. Well, they're sort of roosts. The 'roosts' are small boards holding up their wall dividing the springhouse)
Buttermilk: Oh Sunrise and Susan and Selena- stay lice free!!!
Snap: I hope that Pine Cone closes down cause of the hurricane.
Buttermilk: Snap!!!
Bisquick: SSHHHHH!!!!
Junior: ZZZzzz.


Pam: I hope they will all be okay!
Henry: Yes, they will have to have enough food!

Bisquick: Malibu said that she lost power I think.
Buttermilk: Yea, but they have a generator.


Ella: Power outage. D: 7 hours ago. >->


Ella: Yeah. We didn't get to go out of our coop today... not even in the run! 75 MPH winds. >->

Bisquick: I hear ha Ella.
Buttermilk: Yea, we didn't come out either.
Snap: Except that we have a huge nice warm coop inside shelter.
Junior: Yes, God provides and will watch over you Malibu gang!!!
Bisquick: Stay safe!!
Buttermilk: We're praying!!

Pam: How bad is the storm where you are. Right now there is not a cloud in the sky where we live.


[All chickens are sleeping and wake up to an alarm.]
Junior: AAHJ!!! *falls off roost*
News reporter: Due to the Hurricane Sandy Pine Cone Coopschooling Group is closed and will begin again next week
Snap: *snoring* *suddenly wakes up* YES!!!!!
Buttermilk: NOOO!!!
Junior: I will. *slams snooze button and climbs back up on roost*
Bisquick: Commence sleeping- now.
*All chickens fall asleep*

Peep: Yea Sandy was pretty big.
Cheep: No I am talking about a hurricane.
Peep: Yea I know, the hurricane is named Sandy.
Cheep: OHHHHHHH! Cool :)
Brownie: It's good that we had a nice safe warm area!
Cheep: Yea :)
Brownie: Thanks for not pecking us during the storm.
Peep: Well it was the least we could do :) It was your first storm.
Mocha: Bisquick Buttermilk Snap and Junior, how did you do during the storm??
Brownie: Yea are you guys nice and cozy in your new house? It sounds nice ;)
Mocha: Tell us when ya can!

Midge: Uhh..the hurricane was so scary!
Louise: Yeah, we were blowing around everywhere. Especially Akira! Ha!
Akira: Yeah, I sort of blew down the run!
Henny: Good thing it's over!
Penny: We go to Silver Chunk school. It's really fun. We do foraging, egg-laying, flight, and basic math. My favorite is foraging!
Henny: Mine too, but I also love egg-laying.
Midge: I like math!
Louise: I like math too! It's hard, but fun.
Akira: My favorite is flight! I'm failing math...
Audrey: I like all of my classes. And after school, we do cross country! I'm good at cross country!
Louise: I'm bad at it.
*Sophia is listening to the raidio *This is feather county's top 100 hits of the week countdown! Only on 102.4 THE WING. BEEP BEEP BEEP BOOP BOOP BOOP BE-dow BE-dow*
This is the feather county emergency alert system. We have a winter weather warning for Feather, Molt, and Rooster counties. Up to eightneen inches of snow are expected, with highs of twenty degrees, and lows of negative two. Emergency travel only, and if you do need to travel, carry survival supplies with you. Bus routes around feather and Rooster counties will be closed. Schools will announce closures on Sunday night.

Sophia: Not again! *Pokes head out pop door!* Hey, Winter Weather warning alert!
Elanor: Oh, darn. Is it my turn to run over to the neighbors?
Sophia: Yeah, you can go West, Marianne can go east.
Marianne: And what will you do?
Sophia: Check the stocks. Off you two go.
Elanor: Hey! You guys aware of a winter weather warning?
Rooster: No, thanks for telling us.
Elanor: Emergency travel only.
Rooster: Oh, not again!
Marianne: Hey! Sorry to bug you, but you are aware that there is a winter weather advisory?
Hen: Yup! I was just about to go tell you guys!
Marianne: Ha! See ya!
Sophia: So, we have enough food to last us several weeks, unlimited water, and a spare heat bulb.
Elanor: good!
Marianne: And that isn't counting the frozen scraps.
*WARNING* A bit of a long post....

Bisquick: WELL it looks like Mom is gonna be late tonight!!!
All chickens: HOOORAAAAY!!!!
Buttermilk: I'll pull out the layer-butter muffins I just made!!
Snap: YEEEEESSS!!!!!! *grabs muffin tray*
Buttermilk: HEEEY!!! SNAAAP!!!!
Hedwig: I bet I can yell louder!!!
Pippy: Nuh-uh!!!
Hedwig: Hazel, judge our yelling contest.
Hazel: Ok.
Hedwig: (me note: she has a stupendously loud squawk) SQUAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWK!!!!!!!
*Window starts cracking*
Hazel: *covers ears* HEDWIG WINS! HEDWIG WINS!!!
Snap: Are you guys having a squawking contest?!
Buttermilk: Move aside, amateurs, we all know who can squawk the loudest here.
Hedwig: *GASP* I challenge you!
Buttermilk: Fine! Judge us, Snap!
Hazel: I'm outta here.
Snap: Go.
Buttermilk: *big breath* SQQQQQQQQQQQQQQUUUUUUAAAAAWWWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hedwig: *huge breath* SQUAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buttermilk: HOORAY!!!!
Hedwig: NO FAIR!!!
*Hens hear footsteps*
Bisquick: Everyone get on the roost!!! Nothing happened!!!
*All hens get on roost quickly*
*I walk in*
Me: Hello hens!!
All hens *soft squawk* Bok book.
Me: Awww. :) Are you tired?!
Hazel: *winks at Pip*
Marie: Yippee! Mommy is cleaning out our coop :)
Peep: It was quite revolting.
Cheep: Mhmmmm. My nails were getting all poopified and I just went to hens and clips nails salon to get them done.
Marie: *rolls eyes* No one goes to hens and clips to get there nails done except you.
Lilly: Hehe I like getting my nails done sometimes! But it tickles! *squeal*
Brownie: You guys are pathetic.
Mocha: Yea really. Brownie and I would rather claw each others eyes out.
Cheep: *facepalm* WHY do I belong to this family???
Marie: Yippee! Mommy is cleaning out our coop :)
Peep: It was quite revolting.
Cheep: Mhmmmm. My nails were getting all poopified and I just went to hens and clips nails salon to get them done.
Marie: *rolls eyes* No one goes to hens and clips to get there nails done except you.
Lilly: Hehe I like getting my nails done sometimes! But it tickles! *squeal*
Brownie: You guys are pathetic.
Mocha: Yea really. Brownie and I would rather claw each others eyes out.
Cheep: *facepalm* WHY do I belong to this family???
Sophia: It's okay Peep. You all must have SOMETHING in commen. Like...Do you all like tomatoes?
Marianne: Who couldn't like tomatoes?
Elanor: that hen down the road...
Sophia: It's okay Peep. You all must have SOMETHING in commen. Like...Do you all like tomatoes?
Marianne: Who couldn't like tomatoes?
Elanor: that hen down the road...
Peep: Yea we all love corn :D
Cheep: Yea!
Marie: Welllll I mean sometimes....
Cheep: Marie be quiet we have to have SOMETHING in common. We are the same flock.
Lilly: And family!
Peep: Ok let's not get mushy gushy.
Sorry guys, i haven't been on here for a while. Well, not really, but anyways, Okay, here are some details for the party:
1. Early bird is gonna PM bigbangrooster and Arauacana Annie about PMing other members.
2. So far l think that earlybird counted 9 coming to the party.
3. (Yes, this isn't about the party but oh well. :p) I'm so sorry SilkiesForEver about Hope!!! She sounded like such a sweet chick even though she was blind. :(
4. (This is about the party. ;D) If anyone's chickens wants to bring a little 'snack' then they are more than welcome to!!!

Elvis: ooh ill bring dried mealworms

I am so sorry about Hope! When my chicks were babies I had another EE, Wilma, and she was the sweetest little thing. She walked with a limp, though, and grew really slowly. One night the water tipped over, and Wilma got a little wet. When I found her, she was flopped over and breathing slowly. She died in my hand.
I hope your other chicks grow well and get to be beautiful birds! I will do those 2 PMs!

Elvis: happy fanks giving

Elvis: i cant wait for all the food specially cranberry sauce

Midge: Alright, we PMed Luv Favorelles and LissyB!
Akira: I hope they can come!
Audrey: Yup!
Louise: I'm going to make dumpkin pie for the party!
Henny: I love dumpkin pie!
Penny: We are bringing mealworm fritters, corn soup, dandelion soufflé and dumpkin pie!
Audrey: And I'm making some decorations!
Akira: I'm helping Audrey!
Audrey: Yeah..."helping"

Elvis: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Henny: Yup! It's going to be so good! Penny is a great chef!
Penny: I'm not!
Other chickens: YES, you are!!!

Elvis: and the party is only * counts fingers/feathers* 5 days away

Bernadette: party? can i come momma?

Elvis: i dont know your still only 4 days old wat do you think henny

(me: bernadette is an americauna we ordered she actually hasnt arrived but thats her name!)

Henny: Hmmmm...I think she should come!
Penny: For sure! She'll have fun!

Berny: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy


Elvis: oh all right you can come but only if you stay close and dont talk to strangers! you already know penny and henny so you can talk to them and you can talk with buttermilk, snap, bisquick, and junior. i think youll get along great with jr.

Elvis: treats!!!!!!!!!!!! gtg for now

berny: me too!!!

Junior: Oh hi Berny!!!
(me note: Um, sorry this is a strange questions, but is Elvis a girl bigbangrooster? Sorry, :p)
Bisquick: Any news from the two other members Henny??
Buttermilk: Early bird gang, did you PM bigbangrooster and Araucana Annie another list?
Snap: I snuggled with Mommy this morning. :3


Elvis: im a girl
Berny: me too
(Me: im a boy though)

Elvis: mir, ella i'd like you too meet my daghter bernadette
Berny: hi Mir hi Ella

Speck: Hi Berny! I'm a chick too and I'm only about 3 weeks old

Elvis: hi

Berny: where is everyone?

Berny: henny, penny where are you

Henny: we are here now! No news from either LissyB or Luv Favorelles yet, but hopefully soon!
Penny: Is there going to be music at the party? I hope?
Midge: How long is the party?
Louise: Should we dress up nicely? I have some nice oyster shell beads that look great on my black feathers!
Audrey: I have lovely beads too! Mom made each of us a necklace!
Akira: Mine are red!
CrazyWildHen: Hey, guys! Guess what? I fixed Dapper Duck!

DapperDuck: Duuudes! This crazy, wild, chick like, totally taught me to speak, like, ya know, modern. Now how's about a big welcome for your dude, The Dap's!

DapperDuck: I mean, I like, totally feel like, a whole new man, ya know?

CrazyWildHen: I fixed him!
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scratchnpeck: Woah. I never thought it would be possible to fix him. Would did you do, water torture?

RhodeIsleScarlet: He doesn't need 'fixing'. He's was wonderful the way he was! Crazy Wild Hen! I'm going to [REDACTED]!!!!!

moderator_33: If we ever catch you using that language again, you and your kin will be banned from this chat thread for all of eternity.

RhodeIsleScarlet: Sorry.

scratchnpeck: :hmm ....
Peep: She WAS going to give us oatmeal but our Uncle's ate it all :mad:
Mocha: The corn was a good treat though!
Lilly: *comes stomping in*
Marie: Welllll. What's up with you??
Lilly: I just woke up from...
Marie" You JUST woke up???
Lilly: Hush. I just woke up from a dream that I laid and egg! And then I woke up and thought it was real but then I realized it wasn't.
Marie: Awwww Lilly. It's ok. We'll get there. I hope...
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