Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Elanor: Depends on the curriculum. At our school, the core classes, which are mandatory, are Egglaying, Foraging skills, Perching and Balancing, and the Pecking Order. Then there are electives like feathercare, dustbathing, breed history, music classes, numbers, and reading extensions.
Sophia: Remind me what school you guys are in?
Marianne: Or are you coopschooled?
Padme: Our school teaches only the best subjects to the students. I'm in the special Show School, in one of the gifted classes (I'm really good quality).
We have:
Pecking Order
Feather care
Numbers and Reading(for during shows)
And a little Egglaying/Perching and Balancing
Electives are:
Human life
About other breeds
Other poultry
And Crowing (for the boys, and some of them need it!!)

Snap: There is another me in the coop
Bisquick: There's another all of us!!
Buttermilk: Guys, it's called a mirror. All the supermodel hens have it. :3
Snap: I can look at myself now!! :D
Bisquick: I didn't know I looked like what I did. Gosh, no wonder I'm pretty, I'm a New Hampshire!!
Buttermilk: This will be so useful to arrange my feathers before school in the morning
Snap Bisquick: Oh no.


Quote: Snap: Cool!! :D
Bisquick: Mommy's in the Poultry Club
Buttermilk: She's taking me in this Saturday. :3



Buttermilk: It's great!! :D It's so useful. :3
Snap: I like it too. :) It's cool to talk and see myself!!
Bisquick: Now I can see my progress of molting. *looks in mirror* Wow, Mom was right. I don't have any feathers on my crop!!
Buttermilk Snap: Told you!!!

Quote: Buttermilk: haha. Mommy likes it. :3

Berny: i like to fly :3

Buttermilk: We're getting little sisters in March.
Snap: A BR EE and a BO
Bisquick: I was gonna say that!!

Berny: Daddy named one of my sisters after junior... her name is Junior Jr.
Elvis: i started laying eggs again!
Talia: hmm.... where can i find a mirror?
(@ LF I sent you a pm about 4h)

Snap: Haha. thanks guys. :) We really miss her around here!!
Bisquick: iluvpeeps gang is also naming one of their new chicks Junior.
Buttermilk: She's naming one Junior we're naming one Omelette. :D
Snap: We're exchanging names.
Bisquick: If you don't know what happened Omelette was found headless by the coop.
Buttermilk: :( On the day Juni died too!!

Mohawk: That was a very deathy day.

Berny: Hey speck even though were babies you wanna go try to lay eggs?
Elvis: yeah we heard about what happened to omlette :(
Talia: I HAVE A BEARD!!!!!! (salmon favorelle)

Speck: Yeah! I'm gonna try right now! Mmmmmmmm!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!
Mohawk: Thanks guys.
Apple: Speck, no egg is coming out. Give it up.
Speck: Ahhhhhh!!! Never! Mmmmmmmm!!! Giving!!! Hmmmmmm!!! Up!!! *Pop* "I did it I laid an egg!"
Flap: That's not an egg

Snap: Yes, it was Mohawk. :(
Buttermilk: Don't EE's get beards too??!!
Bisquick: Once we move into our summer coop Mommy might change to sand instead of shavings. What do you guys think?

Talis: i think that could be a good idea then you could dust bathe while you lay an eg :D

Elvis: *slips egg under berny while she trys to lay an egg*
Berny: I DID IT!!! look speck i did it!!! wait arent my eggs sopoased to be green not white?

Speck: I'm gonna lay green or blue eggs too?!!! Maybe you have ummm....ummmm....uhhhh.... EGG COLOR DISORDER!!! E.C.D.

Apple: *Facewing*

Snap: A case!!! Man, wish Juni was here. She could solve it for you.
Bisquick: It's okay Snap :( Maybe one of our new sisters will be like Juni.
Buttermilk: Yea, it'll be okay Snappers.
Snap: I hope so. :'(
Cheerio: Hai I'm Cheerio and this is my sister Chipper-
Cheerio: Chipper stop being so loudddd
Chipper: :c fine
Cheerio: Anyways we're new to this flock and we just got her today and we're ameraucaunas
Chipper: Yep :D We're a week old.
Petrie: I'm not sure how I feel about these newcomers...
Cheerio: Malibu's gonna go back tomorrow and get a polish and then some cuckoo marans and blue andalusians :D but for now it's just Chipper and I.
Butter: hello everyone! We are finally on backyard chickens!
Spots: hi hi hi hi! I actually have stripes but my mom and her mom decided it would be cool If my name was spots!
Pickles: ya ya ya what ever! My names Pickles cause.. Well I'm actually not sure! It's a cool name for a duck tho
Butter: I'm butter cause I look the color of butter!
Cheerio: Hai I'm Cheerio and this is my sister Chipper-
Cheerio: Chipper stop being so loudddd
Chipper: :c fine
Cheerio: Anyways we're new to this flock and we just got her today and we're ameraucaunas
Chipper: Yep :D We're a week old.
Petrie: I'm not sure how I feel about these newcomers...
Cheerio: Malibu's gonna go back tomorrow and get a polish and then some cuckoo marans and blue andalusians :D but for now it's just Chipper and I.
Sophia: Oh, goodness--you got new chicks!?
Elanor: Welcome!
Marianne: Yayyy! Its been a while since we got new members
Blue: (the Dog) Today Earlybird accidentally threw my toy onto the roof!
Sophia: We got it down though...
Elanor: WE didn't, Auntie did!
Mariane: Horray for Auntie!
Butter: hello everyone! We are finally on backyard chickens!
Spots: hi hi hi hi! I actually have stripes but my mom and her mom decided it would be cool If my name was spots!
Pickles: ya ya ya what ever! My names Pickles cause.. Well I'm actually not sure! It's a cool name for a duck tho
Butter: I'm butter cause I look the color of butter!
Sophia: Welcome everybody!
All five chickens of the original flock: More chicks!?!?
Agnes: I thought we were the only ones to get new chicks today. Welcome :)
Charlotte: And, when she says, "new" she really means it. The Barred Rock baby is only three days old; she makes even *me* look big!
Bessie: The Rhode Island Red is more than a week old, she is getting some festers on her wing tips.
Anne: Mama says she's fairly certain I'm a cockerel and, guess what? Now she doesn't know if Bessie might be one, too!
Bessie: Am NOT!
Anne: Might be...
Bessie: Probably not. Pullets can have bigger combs, too.
Anne: Anyway, Mama said that cockerels need to go live on farms after they get big enough to crow, so, she got the babies so she'd still have enough hens.
Emily: Yeah, she kept muttering something about "chicken math" that I coop-schooling subject?
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