Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Sophia: Hey, we might be getting another chicken.
Marianne: and he might be a rooster. But this is only a maybe and depends largely on the situation at Olive Tree Organic Eggs.
Elanor: Mommy saw some chicks today!!
Marianne: But she resisted! She turned away and just got a sack of layer food.
Kiki: Are these eggs gonna hatch or what? >.<

Buttermilk: Are you still brooding Kiki?


Buttermilk: Are your eggs fertile?

Kiki: Yup. Its day 19 so they need to get moving.

Buttermilk: Haha. Do you guys have a rooster?

Kiki: Yeah, but mama brings the eggs home from another pasture where Chuckles and Smokey and Stormy stay, so. I'm brooding on Puff and Pepper's eggs :D

Buttermilk: ohh. I see. :)

Selena: I wish Mommy would give me eggs to go broody on
Sunrise: Sal, for the last time, BROODYNESS WAS BRED OUT OF YOU!
Susan: But when Mommy gets chicks in the spring, the hens will be kinds that CAN go broody.
Sunrise: probably Sussex or New hampshires. That's why Mommy was wondering about Bisquick and Buttermilk.

Ella: Congratulations, Kiki! Are the others throwing a party for you?


Kiki: Actually, yup! :D

Ella: Mir and I have lice again :(

Stripe: You are very rude Buttermilk!
Autumn: Omygod SHUT UP STRIPE!


Buttermilk: I'm not rude Stripe!! I was just saying that I would hate to have lice.
Bisquick: Do any of the other chickens have it?
Snap: Hopefully not!!
Junior: Sorry guys. I know what it's like to be sick.
Buttermilk: Yea, poor thing, Junior's had a vent gleet ripped off her toenail and we all got attacked by a coyote. But nothing happened to me and Bisquick.

Ella: Malibu puts DE on us... >-> Thankfully the big girls are okay. Awwh, Junior.
Mir: Malibu's avatar is.... me! (and unlike some other Aracaunas, I do have a tail. It's not showing in this pic though.) :3
Buttermilk: Wow. NOW no one is posting.
Bisquick: That's ok, they're probably all outside!
Snap: It IS really nice out. <3
Hazel: Stand back, she's more obsessed than ever.
Omelette: It's getting a little bit out of control, actually.
Hedwig: Yeah, you're telling me.
Pickles: I'm happy!!
Butter: oh no she's gonna-
Spots: sing?
Pickles: because I'm happy, clap along if you feel like that's why you wanna do cuz I'm happy
Spots: why are you so happy?
Pickles: cause it rained today!
Butter; good for you!
Agnes: It sounds like it's going to rain allllll morning here...maybe all day!
Emily: We'll never get to go outside :(
Bessie: I'm glad we weren't outside when Mama was growing the grass, it was so loud and scary.
Charlotte: Mama wasn't growing the grass, she was *mowing* it.
Omelette: We went WAAAAY far down in the west lawn today!!
Hedwig: Like SUPER far!
Buttermilk: But Mommy said to be careful, because there is a hedge separating our yard from the road, and sometimes wild ANIMALS live in that hedge!
Bisquick: Yeah, but it was fun anyway. :3
Snap: I liked it!! It was SUPER nice out!!
Hazel: You should see the hole that Peanut is digging!! It's HUUUUUGE!!!
Pippy: Later today we'll upload pictures of it. :3
Anton: YAY! Pictures! Please show me the dust bath, the hedge, um, and, umm, anything chickens do outside. I found out that I get to free range at my new farm, I'll have my own hens to protect and everything!
A.J.: *whispers* I think I get to be just Anne instead of Anne Junior when Anton goes to his new farm. Mama didn't want to confuse Anton.

(Me: Yup, they know their names...)

A.J.: Actually, I meant to ask chickencrazy if my Name was alright to use...I'm named Anne Juniour after Anton-who-was-Anne and, after Junior because I'm a Barred Rock and I want to be like Juni when I grow up! *and 'cause I'm littler, I sometimes get on the big girls and Anton's nerves*
Martha: I like Martha, but Mama says she's not sure if I'll always be a Martha because if Bessie's a -
Bessie: DON'T SAY IT!!! *peck!*
Agnes: You can come snuggle over here, Martha, dear (Agnes lifts her wing invitingly)
Charlotte: Bessie, the peep didn't mean anything bad, it's just that there are signs...
Bessie: I don't care! I want to be a pullet and no chicken can say I'm not until I crow or lay!
Emily: Mama says that since it's so rainy out, we can have Scrambled Eggs for a treat!
Anton: I love scratching in the dirt and pecking at tender clover, but, since we can't go outside Mama gave us some planted grass and a cat toy. It's so much fun playing chicken football!
Charlotte: I may still be the smallest - well, you know, except for the tiny peeps - but, I'm pretty good at chicken football :)
Bessie: Yeah, it's funny, Charlotte fluffs up her feathers...
Emily: Especially her neck feathers!

(Me: Charlotte: don't even think about being a cockerel...)

Bessie: And rushes at any chicken who has the ball of dirt and roots.
Agnes: It was certainly entertaining to watch from my perch on the edge of the brooder, but, Emily pecked me on the head When I flew down to see the excitement up close.
Emily: Sorry, Agnes, I was just caught up in the game!
Agnes: I spent the rest of the game in the brooder with the peeps; Mama has started turning off the heat lamp some, so they can always use a snuggle buddy.
A.J:: *it's nice to have the feeder and water all to ourselves*
Martha: Yeah! I don't get stepped on!
A.J: Shhhh, don't embarrass the big girls. Somechicken might peck us for it...
Peep: Yesterday felt like a perfect Spring day :)
Cheep: No not that.
Mocha: What is the other guess what?
Brownie: *whispers it to Mocha*
Mocha: *gasp* Ohhhhhhhh!
Brownie: YEAAAA!
Cheep: Marie would you do the honor of telling everyone?
Marie: Yes :) *achem* Well it's not that official but mommy is thinking about getting two more chicks!
All chickens: YAYAYAYAYA!
Lilly: It's so excited!
Mocha: But mommy still isn't sure so don't get your hopes up. It could be a 50-50 decision.
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