Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Bisquick: I know!!! I love coopschooling. No annoying teachers, well except for our co-op teachers.
Buttermilk: I like coopshooling cause I have more time making and or printing posters from my favorite magazines. I just can't see my friends as much though. :( But at least I see Cheep and Stacy at our co-op!! :D
Snap: I breeze through my coopschool just like you Selena!!!
Junior: I don't. I take for-e.v.e.r. Like until four.
Bisquick: So today we came out today and-
Buttermilk: IT WAS F-A-REEZING!!!! The wind was blowing my feathers and the wind was messing them up too!!! D:
Bisquick: and it was cold. Like Buttermilk already said.
Snap: Mommy and Aunt Hayley came over in our coop today and I snuggled in Mommy's lap the whole time and fell asleep. :3
Junior: The rest of us cleaned our feathers. :3
Buttermilk: Yea, it was a nice time to do that.
Bisquick: I found so much dust!!
Buttermilk: Ew! I clean my feathers so that they stay in place. I never find dust.
Junior: We're on our roosts right now. Aah, I love saying roostS. 3)
Snap: Yea, Juni and I have our own and Bissy and Butter have their own.
Bisquick: Yea, we get along much better during the night. :)
Midnite: [SOB] Why do we have to go to Sunset Ridge?! Why can't we live north of Fir Tree and go to Northhill? [Sniff]
Autumn: It'll be okay. after all, we only have to be there a week or so, and then we'll be back at Fir Tree.
Aurora: Man, I never thought I would be EXCITED to go back to Fir Tree.
Midnite: One wing of Sunset Ridge is about as big as the entire Fir Tree school. I got lost so many times!
Autumn: the teachers were so unfreindly. they didn't bother to learn our names, they just pointed and said " Hey, Fir tree kid"
Auroura: All the fir tree kids sat together at lunch because nobody wanted to sit by them.
Autumn: Their pecking order was absolutely CREUL.
Midnite: Mommy, can we be coopschooled? I am never going back to Sunset ridge AGAIN!
Midge: You guys are so lucky you get to coopschool!!
Penny: Did you notice Moms new avatar? It's me! She chose me because I'm the prettiest!
Henny: No, she chose you because you're the only one who would pose! It had nothing to do with looks!
Penny: Yeah, well posing is half the battle!
Midnite: [SOB] Why do we have to go to Sunset Ridge?! Why can't we live north of Fir Tree and go to Northhill? [Sniff]
Autumn: It'll be okay. after all, we only have to be there a week or so, and then we'll be back at Fir Tree.
Aurora: Man, I never thought I would be EXCITED to go back to Fir Tree.
Midnite: One wing of Sunset Ridge is about as big as the entire Fir Tree school. I got lost so many times!
Autumn: the teachers were so unfreindly. they didn't bother to learn our names, they just pointed and said " Hey, Fir tree kid"
Auroura: All the fir tree kids sat together at lunch because nobody wanted to sit by them.
Autumn: Their pecking order was absolutely CREUL.
Midnite: Mommy, can we be coopschooled? I am never going back to Sunset ridge AGAIN!

Buttermilk: That's AWFUL.
Bisquick: Yea. You guys show them whose boss though!!! :D
Buttermilk: Bisquick, that isn't exactly comforting.
Junior: Maybe you guys could find someone who sits alone and who is at the bottom of the pecking order besides you, then you could make friends!! :D
Snap: But, Junior, some schools don't even have those kids. Like our last school, Meadow Pond, always had snooty kids and kids like me and Bisquick who were trouble makers. Actually they had one kid who was at the bottom and her name was Junior.
Junior: *sniff* Yea, I remember those days when I would get bullied
Snap: Yup, that's when I started pecking. :3
Bisquick: It's true. She started pecking.
Buttermilk: We were so astonished cause Snappers never pecked- until then.
Midge: You guys are so lucky you get to coopschool!!
Penny: Did you notice Moms new avatar? It's me! She chose me because I'm the prettiest!
Henny: No, she chose you because you're the only one who would pose! It had nothing to do with looks!
Penny: Yeah, well posing is half the battle!
Midnite: we're not Coopschooled (at least not yet) But our cousins are until Fir Tree school is opened up again, because now they have to clean out all the lice.
Autumn: I wish we were. I don't like the othe school, Sunset ridge.
Bisquick: Mom didn't like how things were going at Meadow Pond and neither did any of us so we got pulled out and were coopschooled. :3
Buttermilk: Yea, the only part that I liked was seeing my friends, but there weren't many there cause most of the girls were snooty.
Snap: I hated Meadow Pond altogether.
Junior: You're tellin' me!!!
Snap: Yes, I am telling you. XD
Junior: :|
Pam: Today we practiced dustbathing and foraging! I found a beetle.
Jujube: I found a worm!
Henry: I found a rubberband.
Pam: Yeah, but it looked like a worm so we all chased him until our person came and took it away.
Midnite: [SOB] Why do we have to go to Sunset Ridge?! Why can't we live north of Fir Tree and go to Northhill? [Sniff]
Autumn: It'll be okay. after all, we only have to be there a week or so, and then we'll be back at Fir Tree.
Aurora: Man, I never thought I would be EXCITED to go back to Fir Tree.
Midnite: One wing of Sunset Ridge is about as big as the entire Fir Tree school. I got lost so many times!
Autumn: the teachers were so unfreindly. they didn't bother to learn our names, they just pointed and said " Hey, Fir tree kid"
Auroura: All the fir tree kids sat together at lunch because nobody wanted to sit by them.
Autumn: Their pecking order was absolutely CREUL.
Midnite: Mommy, can we be coopschooled? I am never going back to Sunset ridge AGAIN!
Sunrise: I spoke to our neighbors today, and they said that all the fir Tree kids that are going to Sunset ridge don't like it, and a lot are going to be coopschooled until Fir tree opens back up again.
Susan: you guys should join Streamflow! or are you going to tough it out at Sunset Ridge?
Selena: The day after tomorrow is the co-op meeting.
Midnite: Thank goodness. Mommy signed us up in the coopschool co-op with our cousins
Autumn: No more Sunset Ridge!
Auroura: That school was awful!
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