black and white chicken

Finally got a couple of pics, one with a hen alone and one with a Buff Orpington (Dorking in the back) to show size. I also took a pic of the Exchequer Leghorn and can post that to show the difference. Just ask.

not great pics because they never stop moving but ........Exchequer Leghorn from Ideal Hatchery
its hard to tell but the legs are straw yellow


Exchequer with a Speckled Sussex and I forgot what the other black bird is
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together on the same page
the strange chickens tail is not as upright as the Exchequer and they are so docile you can pick them up. Their body is a bit smaller and thicker and their legs are white/pinkish

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Yeah, not Leghorns but what can they be?
Maybe I should send a pic to Ideal Hatchery and ask them?

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