Black Australorp is cockerel *sigh


10 Years
Aug 8, 2009
Central N.S.
My 2 black Australorps chicks are from a roo from the stock of the late Warren Simm (anyone heard of him...he was well-known in eastern Canada for his Australorps,but not sure if he was known outside of Canada or not) and I was so happy to get them both the end of April. They are now about 9 weeks of age and as I was putting them to bed tonight I noticed one has the beginnings of what look to be spurs...little nubs, but definitely there. I didn't look at the other as (s)he was already in the coop. Is the the age cockerels begin to show spurs? *sigh

He will have to be sold ...I can't have a roo here. Should I keep him until the other chick is more used to being with my Wellie hens, or should I sell him now? And that's the other much should I charge for him?
Hold on to him or her!

Check out these photos:

Cockerel 6 weeks

Pullet 6 weeks

Agreed, you can't go by spurs at this age. Comb and leg thickness will be your first indicators, then saddle and hackle feathers. Crowing can come at any time, even waiting until 6 months or so. Spurs often don't grow until after 6 months also, those little nubs just stay like that. Some hens also grow spurs. Post pics if you can and we can help.
Thanks a lot, guys and gals. I did have a look at the other chick, and yep, she has those nubs too. My other hens are Welsummers and I've never seen them on them. I'll try to get a few pix tomorrow. One is much bigger than the other, and has been since they were a week old- at one week one was 1/2 oz heavier, at 3 weeks (s)he was 1 oz heavier and at 4 1/2 weeks, 4 oz heavier... it seems like a big difference. I haven't weighed them since; they are now about 2 1/2 months old.
nice looking Australorp, i just purchased two myself two hens about 6 months old absolutely beautiful birds. They come from late Warren Simm lines as well. (Circle Pond Farm) I am excited to hatch a few eggs out in spring. Going to use them with a Splash Australorp rooster.

Take Care
Well, since my last post here the young cockerel has been given to a friend that has more chickens, and who is actually allowed to have chickens on her property. "Daffy" is doing well my friend says, and has begun to do some 'husband' duties. My other chick, Edith, has begun to lay little eggs and although they re not as dark as my Wellies, she is becoming more dependable...we are already getting 5 eggs /week.

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