Black Copper Maran Pullet or Roo


This is our 6 week old Black Copper Marin. I am not sure why ours is so colorful compaired to others.
Our sweetest chick turned out to be a rooster. We've had several agressive chicks that turned out to be hens. Attitudes alone aren't enough to know gender. At least not with any of ours :)
What makes you think he is a rooster? I would have guessed hen for sure. The males have brilliant colors all over and the hens mainly just have the red necks.
I'm hoping these two copper marans are both girls. They are nearly 9 weeks. What do you think?

Here are a couple photos of the black one now. Her name is Verm, and she's always been flighty and nervous. Today was the first day I let my flock of 8 free range, and Verm didn't want to come out of the pen! She ran around inside flapping her wings, and looked nervously out the top of this side a lot. Then she really freaked me out when she started quietly CROWING, which I'd never heard any of them do before. I'm telling myself that Verm is just a hen who crows because she is THAT nervous. She has some iridescent feathers but still looks hen-like to me based on photos of grown-up BCM hens I've seen. Also denial. Denial is intense because we wanted girl marans pretty badly. Thoughts?:

And here's the blue copper maran today--she's also about 9 weeks. In the first pic she looks darker, but in the 2nd and third pics you can see she's getting a lighter neck. She's very adventurous and goes ahead of everyone else when new things are introduced to the flock. Everyone waited for her the first time they left the coop for the pen age age 5 weeks, and same today when I opened the pen door. Her name is Fuficorn (kids named her. Long story.) Is Fufi a boy?!

It would be such a bummer if they both turned out being boys but I want to know ASAP so that I can start looking for a good home for them.
Thanks for your help!
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Just to be clear these are 9 week old marans? If so they are probably roos. Sorry! My Maran just got her comb and it just turned red she is 24 weeks.
Wow. I wonder if mine are growing so fast because they're in a cold climate! Their feathers came in quickly and they are growing like weeds here. I found a woman on a fb group who has a huge kind of refuge for unwanted roos. So I am taking them out there this week. (There's a blue copper maran also a boy) So I'll have zero marans now. Bummer!
Actually, Marans do grow at a faster rate then some other breeds. Sorry about your cockerels. I hace a 6 month old Marans rooster. I couldn't give him up so i had de crow surgery performed. So far, it's working.

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