Black copper marans (m or f?)

when mine hatch I say they are all hens
We presume the opposite here! :D

That way we are never disappointed and sometimes surprised. All are guilty until proven female. :p

Seriously, though most my Marans show their male colors NO later than 6 weeks. I looked at my calendar and that is actually 13 weeks and 2 days... Do you have any of the same breed or batch for comparison?

Side, standing shot... so we can see how saddle feathers are developing please? :pop

Based on lack of red in the wings at this age... and according to the standard... it would NEED more red in the shoulders to look right and be a boy. If the birds IS a good standard then I would comfortably say female without hesitation even without saddle confirmation. Most of my boys get more color in their chest as well (something I select against). SHE is actually looking pretty good so far! ;)

ETA: I think feathers on the middle toe are undesirable. Not sure that's what I'm making out in your pic. And just sharing info, sometimes you have to work with what ya got...
Ok, I went outside to watch the flock... and NONE of my Marans females have combs and waddles that big at the stated age. In fact I think my laying hens are ABOUT like that. :confused:

Maybe I just can't see the male coloring or maybe it isn't there. Either way, I LOVE a good challenge to my gender assessing skills.

Thanks for making my head spin! :p And for making look like a split minded wackadoo... just kidding I know I did that all on my own. :oops:

Saddle feathers DON'T lie... if they have started to come in. :pop

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