Black coturnix egg


6 Years
Dec 30, 2013
Tempe, AZ
Out of a cage with five hens and one roo I found this!

It looks a lot blacker in person than in the pic. It's very rough and the coating is thick. I had recently moved this covey and they are just getting back into laying, this was the first day in a while that I got more than two eggs. I think the hen had a build up of pigment and just let it all go on this egg? These birds are 6 months old and all previous eggs have been "normal".
Over production of pigment right before the egg reaches the vent. Very cool! But nothing to be concerned about, in my experience.
Usually any abnormally colored eggs are the result of a second painting by the ovaduct. The hen can choose to retain the egg for a while instead of laying it but once she does this the ovaduct goes right back to work thinking its a new egg and paints it again.

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