Black crested White Polish

I like the smaller crest. I know its not SOP but I would like some polish with smaller crest that can see and not be hindered.
I agree, honestly. So far my experience with large-crested birds has been very limited, so I haven’t had much to judge their inability to see on besides word of mouth. I recently got 2 polish hens though, with large crests. They’re a lot different than the BCW, I can guess. I haven’t had much free time to just watch the birds, but in the short bursts im out there, they move a lot slower and seem much more timid. Even BCW pullet 2, who has a crest which obscures her eyes, is much more active than they are and navigates her pen much easier. I’ve had to splash water to get them to notice it, and put food right in front of them for them to get the hint. I’m not sure if it’s just the fact they’re new here, or the crests, but I’d figure it’s the crests. They‘re awfully pretty, and I love their appearance, but it’s a bit sad to see them kinda just dwadle around while the BCWs are sprinting around like maniacs.

Side note: my black crested whites are actual maniacs. They’re such charming birds, but kind of crazy.

For one example, they all used to throw themselves at fences when they were younger, then yell in pain as if they didn’t know what was going on.

Most recently, two days ago, I spite-threw two aggressive cockerels out to freerange because they were trying to kill their roommates then forget about them because I’m exhausted. The next day, Burger King, the most psycho of the two disappears. I assumed a predator got him. Today, my parents found him in the emu pen. An emu pen with about 14 adult emus in it, mind you, and all of which enjoy killing tiny birds. He was alive and thriving, somehow. I guess he made himself king of the emus.

oh also I have a pullet laying. She started the 23rd, I think. Pullet 2, let me just call her Wendy. Exactly 6.75 months old at first egg, pretty impressive for a polish! I hear a lot of people on FB say it takes 9+ months for them to get their first egg. I’ll probably give a more thorough update tomorrow but it’s late and I’ve been putting this off for weeks.
Mine still acted like mini psychos when I sold the group. My buff laced was the only one who acted normal 95% of the time
🙄 I can believe that. The pullets are getting feisty now too.
Say hello to ms. “kill and eat a scorpion i was trying to save, run out of the coop so she can hoard it to herself, square her shoulders at me like she’s gonna fight me when I try and snatch it, then have a screaming fit when I carry her back to the coop, resulting in a double screaming fit from her sisters who were wondering where she was.” The other two have their moments as well.

Already procrastinating on the actual update I intended to do, whoops. It’ll get done eventually.
🙄 I can believe that. The pullets are getting feisty now too.
Say hello to ms. “kill and eat a scorpion i was trying to save, run out of the coop so she can hoard it to herself, square her shoulders at me like she’s gonna fight me when I try and snatch it, then have a screaming fit when I carry her back to the coop, resulting in a double screaming fit from her sisters who were wondering where she was.” The other two have their moments as well.View attachment 3631000
Already procrastinating on the actual update I intended to do, whoops. It’ll get done eventually.
My male would have little popcorn moments. All of a sudden he'd spring like a foot in the air, flapping as if someone zapped him with a cattle prod. He loved flying into snowbanks too. I think I've got a picture of him doing that once
My male would have little popcorn moments. All of a sudden he'd spring like a foot in the air, flapping as if someone zapped him with a cattle prod. He loved flying into snowbanks too. I think I've got a picture of him doing that once
And one of my girls would climb the stairs of the deck and look through the windows. And theN get stuck because she was suddenly like 15-20 feet in the air on the deck
My male would have little popcorn moments. All of a sudden he'd spring like a foot in the air, flapping as if someone zapped him with a cattle prod. He loved flying into snowbanks too. I think I've got a picture of him doing that once
No snowbanks here in Florida. Lots of walls and fences though, which mine enjoy running into(or at least did when they were younger. Hasn’t happened in a bit now). I think I’ve said this before; when mine were younger and I would walk by their pen, they would begin throwing themselves at the fenced wall of their run to try and get to me. Repeatedly. They’d even fly into it if they were excited enough. Baffling little creatures. Nobody was ever injured in the wall-hitting sport, but I can’t imagine it felt comfortable. They had to be aware of the fence too 🤦‍♀️ It was like a fad that went on for months.
@I Like Turkeys, have just read through entire thread, really enjoy that you are trying to save/recreate the color!
Thank you? I can’t say I consider myself to be saving them. With the state of these birds in the US, it’d take quite a few dedicated breeders to surely do that. It really is a delightful color though, and I don’t want to see it go completely extinct(again). It stinks to not be able to experience certain things or animals because of a lack of preservation, and I am particularly fond of this color so I’d hate to see it go again. I am not the only person working with them, but the numbers are incredibly slim. I enjoy them.
Thank you? I can’t say I consider myself to be saving them. With the state of these birds in the US, it’d take quite a few dedicated breeders to surely do that. It really is a delightful color though, and I don’t want to see it go completely extinct(again). It stinks to not be able to experience certain things or animals because of a lack of preservation, and I am particularly fond of this color so I’d hate to see it go again. I am not the only person working with them, but the numbers are incredibly slim. I enjoy them.
Thats good! I’m doing the same thing with brown red japs

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